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Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Six Month Blogaversary Giveaway!!

Happy Tuesday, everyone! Today is my six month blogaversary! Wow, I can't believe how fast time flies! I still remember trying to decide if I should even create a blog. I thought, who would want to follow me? I am so glad I did...I have met so many amazing people and I am so thankful for each and every one of my followers! I appreciate you so very much, and you inspire me daily! I wanted to do something special to thank you!
This is just a small token of my affection (my budget was severely limited by the new computer that I got on Friday and have spent the last two days on the phone with tech support trying to figure out why the cursor randomly jumps around the page! Grr...so frustrating! I haven't been able to craft in three days!!) But, I'm just 70 away from 700 followers, so if I hit 700, I'll dig into my savings and add even more candy! So spread the word :)

All you have to do to be eligible to win is:
  1. Be a follower, and
  2. Leave a comment on this post with a way to contact you
  3. For an additional entry, tell your friends! Post this on your blog or sidebar or Facebook and then come back and leave another comment with a link to the post
That's it! The giveaway will be open until midnight EST on October 12th. I will use random.org to pick a winner on the 13th. Oohh, October 13th just sounds spooky, doesn't it? It's not even a Friday!

Besides my blogaversary, I want to celebrate two other exciting events! One, I just redesigned my blog! It's been a long, hard process and I'm still working on all the little tweaks like section headers and a new button, but I wanted to debut the look on my blogaversary. I finally figured out how to do the top pic with clickable links, which was so stinkin' time consuming, but I will be able to add a gallery and tutorials soon.

Also, I am so excited to announce that I am going to be published in Scrapbook News and Review, the world's largest online scrapbooking magazine!! This was the first time I've ever submitted to a magazine and they picked both the cards I submitted! The call was for sympathy cards, which I have a hard time doing, but I used the new K Andrew Designs Sympathetic Sayings Stamp Set, which has such amazing sentiments...it made making the card easy! Click HERE to purchase your own set of these fabulous stamps!
Thank you so much for stopping by, GOOD LUCK, and thank you again for following me! *HUGS*


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Josie0602 said...

Congrats on your 6 month blogaversary!! I love seeing the My Mind's Eye paper in your giveaway...its my very favorite! Thanks for the chance to win!


Jessica Buffa said...

Lisa, Lisa....WOW, so much to congratulate you for today. 1st - congrats on 6 months of blogging. I am glad you started a blog, too. I have gained so much inspiration from you and always look forward to reading your comments!!! 2nd - woot woot >>>love the new blog look! You are so tech savvy, too. 3rd - CONGRATULATIONS on being published. That is so very cooooollll!!!!

Unknown said...

Hi Lisa congrats on the new blog, computer and being published!!!! Wow you sure have a lot going on!!!!! Thanks for the chance to win this yummy candy!!!! I don't have this one!!!!! I will post on my blog!!!!

Hugs Linda

jessica said...

Congrats on your 6 month blogaversary!! Your new blog designer is beautiful!! and congrats on being published!! Lots of exciting things going on :)
Thanks for the chance to share in your blogaversary

Lynn B. said...

Congratulations! You've come a long way in a short time. Thanks for the opportunity to win great stuff!

Lynn B.

Josie0602 said...

Added your giveaway to my sidebar on my blog!

jessica said...

Just posted about your giveaway on my sidebar! Congrats again!

Mommy's Crafty Creations said...

Congrats!! Wow I wish I was reaching 700 but im way far from that lol. Im already a follower.

mommyscraftycreations at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...


Huge Congrats to you on your cards being published, how exciting. Congrats on your 6 month blog anniversary, love the chance for the amazing blog candy.

Your new look is smashing, so organized and so easy to find everything.

Hugs, Lori m

Gwen said...

Just became a follower! Love the blog you have wonderful stuff.

Mommy's Crafty Creations said...

I have added you Giveaway on my right sidebar. Thank you for the second entry.

mommyscraftycreations at gmail dot com

Gwen said...

Putting this on my blog. Hope I win I don't have this cart.

Tina said...

congrats to you.....lovely giveaway...thanks for the chance to win i posted to my blog...ive benn a follwoer for awhile now and happy to be


Jessica Buffa said...

1. You know I already stalk you on a regular basis (LOL)
2. I love leaving you comments! (Golden Rule)
3. I Happily Happily Happily Spread the Word about your celebration...


angie ashuk said...

I'm already a follower! :) Congrats all around!! I just started in blogland, and I hope in 6 months time i hit atleast 1 of these milestones!! Congrats again. And the blog looks great!!

Rhonda Miller said...

Wow, congrats on 6 months and so many followers. I love your new blog design and congrats on being published in SNR.


Rhonda Miller said...

I have posted this on my sidebar.


Jens Craft Corner said...

Wow! It's been 6 months already! Time flies when you're having blogging fun! Congratulations on a successful 6 months! Wishing you many more!

Heather said...

Happy Blogoversary! Thanks for the chance to win!!
ra6352 (at) gmail (Dot) com

Creative Diva said...

Congrats Lisa on all your accomplishments.You have inspired me to create outside the box.You are very talented and I am always amazed to see what you will be creating next. Thanks for the chance to win this amazing giveaway.

creativediva98 at gmail dot com

Creative Diva said...

Hi Lisa,

I just posted about your giveaway on my Sidebar of my blog. Thanks again for the chance to win and congrats.

creativediva98 at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

6 months already? You know I've been following close to when you started and it sure doesn't seem that long ago. You've made some amazing creations and some great friends along the way, including me. Your blog redo is BEAUTIFUL. Of course I will be adding your giveaway on my blog. Keep up the awesome work you do. LOVE it all
I would be honored if you came to see my blog here

Glenda said...

Congrats on your six month anniversary and being published! Your work is fabulous and so inspiring. Love the new blog look!
Thanks for chance to win a great prize!

Brittney said...

Congrats! I'm already a follower!
Thanks for the chance to wins some blog candy.


Lee said...

Congratulations to you! Thank you for a lovely giveaway. I like the new look of your blog!

Brittney said...

I posted it @


Trina said...

Congrats on 6 months. I am blessed to have been following from the beginning. I have seen and been amazed at your work. Congrats on being published, it amazes me that you would be surprised, your work is awe inspiring always.

Pammejo said...

Congrats on your Blogviserary. I just became your newest follower. Pammejo1@yahoo.com

Amy said...

Congrats on the blogaversary and being published! How amazing and exciting! I know you are a go-to inspirational blog for me, so I'm not surprised! So happy for you!!! Thanks for being such a great blog buddy! :)Amy

Amy said...

I posted your giveaway in my sidebar! Thanks for the chance to win the fun candy! :)Amy

Tonya said...

Congrats on the blogaversary, getting published and close to 700 followers. I love your blog and am inspired by everything you do.


Christine said...

Congratulations on your 6 month anniversary and being published. That is great!
I am a new follower of your blog.

Chris dot Pickul at hotmail dot com

Mindi Brown ~}:{~ said...

I am already a follower, and love the new look! congrats on 6 months AND being published, WOW!!!

Mindi Brown ~}:{~ said...

Me again :) I posted your candy on my side bar :)

Sunshine HoneyBee said...

Congrats! Like the new blog appearance. I've been a follower of your wonderful blog. Thanks for chance to win.
"Sunshine HoneyBee"

CathyinMN said...

Congratulations on accomplishing so much on your blog in just 6 months -- 600+ followers already! Congrats also on being published soon. Thanks for the chance to win.
tcsobotka at charter dot net

Vicki said...

Congrats. I'm already a follower.

vwilson577 at yahoo.com

Maribel said...

I am a loyal follower :) I LOVE your blog. I look forward to seeing your creations every day!! I am so glad you decided to make it. Congrats on your blogaversary and on being published!
encarnacion dot maribel at gmail dot com

JulieK said...

Congratulations Lisa!! I always look forward to seeing what you create! I love your new look! Cheers to your blogging future!!


Cathy said...

Wow..that is a lot of followers in a short time, but I can see why, you are very talented. Congratulations! I am already a follower:)
mexicopetshop at hotmail dot com

Mrs. Sassy Crafter (Fabi) said...

Congratulations!!!! I'm a follower =0)

Laurie said...

Congrats on both your blogaversary and having your cards published! So happy for you!! And I can see why you're being published, your projects are so cute!! I'm so happy for you.

Melissa said...

Wow, your doing great for just six months... YOU GO GIRL, I am a follower and love it! Thanks for the chance to win!

Alisha said...

Congratulations on getting into the magazine, that is awesome.!!! I am already a follower and love it. Thanks for the great candy.


Rez P. said...

Aloha Lisa,
Congrats on your 6 months blogaversary and your cards being published in the magazine. WoW! that is HUGE and I bet you were doing the HAPPY DANCE :). Lisa, U surely deserved it! The first time I met you on this blogging world, I knew you were TALENTED! I enjoying visiting you just to see what you will create next. You are my INSPIRATIONS! Btw, Your blog is GORGEOUS! LOVE IT!
Karezma Kreations

JanetintheJaw said...

Congrats and thank you for sharing!


Shelly said...

Lisa, First I am so glad you did start your blog! I look forward to your inspiration and creativity! Second, Congrats on the 6 month anniversary and being published. Both very exciting! Last but not least, thank you for the giveaway, you are super special my friend!

Rez P. said...

Hey Lisa,
Such a lovely candy! I'm a faithful follower that posted your candy on my sidebar. I'm sure more people would be happy to follow you even if you didn't offer this AWESOME candy.

abusybee - DoubleClick Connections said...

Congrats on your blogaversary!

abusybee - DoubleClick Connections said...

Posted your candy on my sidebar! :)

Bunnyfreak said...

Congrats on the blogaversary and the upcoming publication. I am a follower.

Unknown said...

Congratulations on your blogaversary Lisa. Great new header too. Thanks for the chance to win :)

juli (sweetpz) said...

Happy 6th months blogaversary! Thanks for sharing you amazing work here. I do likey the new blog =)

scrappinC said...

Lisa ~ I am so glad that you did start your blog, you have inspired me so much with all of your amazing creations. Congrats on being published, you deserve it. Congrats on your 6 month anniversary. I am so glad that I met you through this blog.
Cindy Lou

scrappinC said...

Posted your wonderful giveaway candy on my sidebar.
Cindy Lou

ShersL84bed said...

Oh my gosh, I love your new blog design. So cute. Congrats on being published and Happy Blogaversary.

Smiles Sher

smyiow said...

Happy Blogiversary! I love, love, love your blog! I am more then happy to post this on my blog!! Your blog makes me smile. You are known in my group of friends as "the mermaid girl" Thanks for sharing your super fabulous talent!!

PS- Thanks for turning my on to Kristal's Sunday Challenge. I linked up!


Bunnyfreak said...

I posted on my website.

MadeByKarla said...

Happy blogaversary! I like the new look :)
I'd love to win that candy. That paper looks so beautiful! I'm already a follower! Thanks for the chance!

MadeByKarla said...

I posted your candy on my sidebar at http://madebykarla10.blogspot.com/

Hope your computer gets fixed soon, don't forget to download your software ;)


Cindy said...

Congrats Lisa on the 6 mo blogversary! I have been a follower for awhile and love all you do. You also leave such great comments on my blog too!
Keep on swimming girl! congrats on the Magazine too! Zowie!
Cindy Porter

Ashley Newell said...

Happy 6 Months! I'm already a followed!
actressangel at gmail

DIANA L. said...

Congrats on 6 months!!! my you are right, how time flies-
you won!!! over at my blog on the JO's birthday hop.
Thanks for the great giveaway.

DIANA L. said...

I'll post your blog candy on my side bar

DIANA L. said...

Congrats on being published -- I'm not trying for three chances to win but that is so exciting I had to come back and let you know after I read your post.
So if you want to remove one of these feel free hugs, Diana

Karen H said...

Oh my gosh, Lisa! Congratulations on your publication news! I am NOT surprised in the least, but am so ecstatic and proud of you. I literally got teary because there is something so indescribably beautiful about a genuinely sweet person having success. We all know how creative you are and it thrills me that even more people will soon discover one of the most talented crafters. You are inspiring on so many levels. :o) Congrats also on 6 amazing months and thank you for the opportunity to win your generous blog candy. :o)

Your blog makeover is gorgeous, my friend! Exquisite work and well worth the endless hours spent on it. :o) It fits you perfectly! Hugs and continued blessings!

Amy E said...

Oh Lisa, I LOVE your blog makeover! You did a fabulous job!

And congrats on 6 months...and congrats on 630 followers! And congrats on getting published!!!WOW!! You rock!!

amyis300 AT hotmail DOT com

Norma said...

Woo Hoo CONGRATULATIONS Lisa on being published and on your 6 month and OMG!! LOVE your blog make over!! Thank you for the generous giveaway and may you continue much success!!!

Vicki Fraser said...

Wow - 6 months has flown by! I'm already a follower and I'm about to post your candy on my sidebar. Here's cheers to another 6 months of blogging fun :)

Debby said...

Congrats! My favorite time of year is fall. I would love to win this cartridge, I could do leaves for fall pages of my wedding and my parents wedding.
angel hugs
Thanks for the chance.

Doris P. said...

I am excited to hear you are here at 6 mo. time flies when your having fun! been a follower for probably the 6 months... love your blog!! tfs a giveaway!! I will send this over to my blog and share! hope you 700 -800 - soon :) doris

Doris P. said...

head over to my blog and tell me what you think.. I copied, pasted and encouraged.. :) hope your numbers increase much higher -you deserve it! Thanks for the inspirations. doris

Diane Hodrick said...

Congrats on being published! That is so cool! Happy Blogaversiary to you too! So glad I found your blog. Hope your computer behaves and you get back to crafting soon!

callyannc said...

Lovin your new look! The mermaid is sooo cute! Congrats on your 6 mo! Love your creativity! Thank you for sharing! I'll be back! TFS CallyAnn(follower)

LeeAnn from NC said...

Congratulations on the success of your blog and on being published...twice at the same time ! That's awesome ! Happy Blogaversary to you too ! Thanks for such a great giveaway . Winning is sure to make someone very happy.

Ro Donner said...

I'm so glad I'm a follower and get to see all the wonderful things you come up with. Thanks for sharing and inspiring us.
Ro Donner

Dr Sonia S V said...

Lisa a big congrats to you for both the followers and the publishing event-you deserve it dear. ANd no wonder you were not posting- I was wondering what had happened to you.


wow congrats on so many things, being published, almost having 700 followers, redoing your blog(it looks great, not that it didn't look great before)and on 6 months!! I am already a follower!! Thanks for the chance to win!!
sierrababy08 at hotmail dot com


I posted about your giveaway on my facebook i don't know the link but my facebook is Kristan N Anderson
sierrababy08 at hotmail dot com

TeenaBugg38 said...

I'm a new follower :) Thanks for a chance to win!

TeenaBugg38 said...

Just posted your awesome giveaway on my blog!!! Best of luck reaching 700....I say you will hit it before the weekend gets here :)

Scrappin Rabbit Designs said...

Congrats on your blogovarsy and being published! Wow you totally desevered that. You inspire me on a daily basis and I'm so glad that you started your blog. Thanks for the chance to win your yummy blog candy. Keep on crafting. Hugs, Tami :)


Lisa's Creative Niche said...

First, Happy blogaversary!!! Woo hoo! Second, congratulations on getting published! I absolutely love your work and can't wait to see more of it!
summer_sunset54 at hotmail dot com

Eva Laney said...

Hi, Lisa Congrats on your awesome Blogaversary. I love the new look of your Blog, great job. I always look forward to seeing your creations and I am so thankful for your beautiful comments on mine. You Rock!!!
Eva :0)

K-E Kreations said...

Happy blogaversary!! Thanks so much for the chance to win. I'm a new follower.

K-E Kreations said...

I have posted about your giveaway on my blog. You can find the post here:


Thanks again!

Lisa said...

congrats and thanks for the chance to win!! I am already a follower

Eva Laney said...

I posted to my sidebar. Congrats on being published with both of your cards. You are very deserving, your work is fab!!!
Eva :0)

Lisa said...

I posted to my candy TOP bar, thanks again for the chance to win

DebC said...

I already follow your blog and love the chance to win! Thanks so much! I love my minds eye!
Deb C

S.Bayles said...

I am a follower of yours already and Kristals also. I love your blog and congrats on reaching that number. Thanks for all you do for all your bloggers....Good Luck eveyone.
Blog: http://lovethatexpressions.blogspot.com/
E-Mail: davidbayles@sprintmail.com

scrapperbecka said...

Lisa- Awesome giveaway! I can't believe you have been blogging for 6 months now, where does time go? Love your new header. I love all your work keep up the craftiness.

Pendra said...

Congrats Lisa on being published... you deserve it! Love the new look of your blog! And thanks for the great Giveaway... Happy Blogiversary! I am already your follower!
Crafty Hugs,
pendrah AT comcast DOT net

Lisa said...

Wow Lisa! You have so much going on... Your blog makeover is fabulous. Congrats on being published & your blogaversary, that's just AWESOME!!!


Pendra said...

Lisa I have posted and linked your Blogiversary on my sidebar! Happy Blogiversary and thanks for a chance to win! Visit me sometime!
Crafty Hugs,
pendrah AT comcast DOT net

Janis Lewis said...

I LOVE your new blog look! Great job!! Congrats on your growing followers too. Isn't it fun to meet new crafty people? I'm so glad you started your blog and we met. You are so talented! Big Hugs, girlie! :) Janis

Janis Lewis said...

Hey, I just posted and gave a link to this on my Facebook wall and also on my Pause Dream Enjoy Facebook wall. :) Good times, good times. :)


Eemeli said...

Congrats on your 6 month blogaversary! Ummm, time sure flies past soooooo fast ^^ Been hopping on and off your blog for ages and gotta say that I like what I see. Thanks for the chance to win.

Hugs from Finland, Eemeli

Sunshine HoneyBee said...

Posted about your candy on my blog sidebar. It did not create a link to get directly to your blog so I'll look into seeing what I need to do to accomplish that so people can get here to your blog from my blog sidebar. Also, forgot to mention that the cursor problem you were experiencing with your computer is exactly what happened to my former Dell laptop. The cursor would move on its own and replacing the mouse & other things did not seem to resolve it. Hubby bought me a new Toshiba laptop on Mother's Day. Luckily I had done a backup and was able restore everything I had on former Dell laptop onto my new laptop.
"Sunshine HoneyBee"

Squirlygirl said...

Wow Lisa! Only six months, really! You seem like an old pro, heheh! Congrats on being published too, eeeek, so exciting and with Kristal's stamps too :) Your blog looks fabulous my dear! Off to share.

Amanda said...

Happy Blogaversary! You do an awesome job with every project you create ! Thank You for the inspiration and the chance to win this great package of blog candy!!

littlen said...

congrats on 6 months of blogging. i'm already a follower.
littlen44 at gmail dot com

Sherrie K. said...

Congrats on your 6 mo of blogging!!! Crazy how fast it has gone, ha? I am so excited for you and your work being published!!! That is awesome Lisa!!! Also, your blog design is wonderful~looks just great:)
Thanks for a chance at your giveaway! It is on my sidebar and I will be posting something soon about it as well. I am a HAPPY follower of yours. You rock girl...keep it coming...we love your projects!! You are a great inspiration to so many of us:)
Sherrie K

joannvaldez said...

congrat onl youyr blog anniversary!!!!!!!!!!!!
thanks for a great giveaway and sharing such wonderful ideas. i'm a new follower. come by and visit

Lorraine said...

congrats huni and wow your candy is fab thanks for the chance of winning xx

Kris Dietz said...

Congratulations on being published and on your 6-month blogaversary. Thank you for sharing all you do.

dietzrobles at yahoo dot com

Kelly S said...

Congratulations on your 6-month blogoversary. You have an amazing blog with so many incredible projects. It is no surprise that you have so many followers. Also, congrats on being published. How exciting!


Anonymous said...

congrats on 6 mo!!! And the big number you are almost to!!! Im already a follower!

Lizzie Laine said...

OMG Lisa I am so happy to hear you got published, that is so awesome just like your work is awesome. You so truly deserve it!!
Also congrats on your 6 month blogaversary:)


Happyscrapin said...

Congrats on 6 months! I am a new follower and am looking forward to exploring your blog.


Karen said...

Hi Lisa can't believe it's only been six months feel like I have known you forever. Thanks so much for your friendship coming to my blog leaving wonderful comments. Hope you keep blog forever...

RiNNE said...

Wow, Lisa! Such great accomplishments! Congratulations on everything! Can't wait to see those cards! Love your new header!!

Jayne said...

Lisa a HUGE Congratulations on being published - although not surprised,it had to happen!
LOVE your new look blog.
And Congratulations on your 6 month blogaversary.You truly make such amazing projects and I for one(and I am sure everyone else would agree)love visiting you.
Big hugs,
Jayne x

Bargain Barb said...

Congrats on your anniversary. What this country needs is more opportunities which can lead to success like yours.

SiskiyouSue said...

Congrats on your anniversary. I'm a follower again, don't know how I lost you! I was glad to find you again this morning, on Sherrie Scraps with Passion.

Betsy said...

Wow! You certainly have a lot going on! Congrats on all your accomplishments! And thanks for the chance to win!

Marilyn said...

Six months is a long time. I just discovered you and will enjoy being a follower now. :)

Jamilie said...

Just became a follower!! ;-)

Ruth G said...

Way to go getting a blog going and keeping it up for 6 months! Wooot! I keep thinking I need to start a blog because I enjoy "stalking" so many talented folks, I'm sure I'd have something to share with the world out there, I just need to get my act together and do it!
I follow your blog, although I do much better with blogs I can get via e-mail - not sure how that's done, but I do watch for projects you post and I appreciate all the time and how you put yourself into your blog!
Thanks for the opportunity to win candy and good luck on making it to 700 followers!


Maria said...

Just signed up to follow! Thanks for the chance to win.

Anonymous said...

Iam a new follower. Can not wait t see all yourwonderful creations and be inspired. Tahn you for the chance to win.


The Bookin Room said...

New follower 642 from Sherrie Scraps With Passion!! LOVE your work! And thanks for the chance for some blog candy!!
xoxo Charity

Unknown said...

First off thank you Lisa for being a friend, an encourager, and a wonderful inspiration to me and to so many others. You are as sweet and giving as you are creative. I see your name on my blog and I know a friend has come for a visit. Congratulations on a beautifully desighned blog, so you! Congratulations on all of your new followers, 1000 is around the corner! Congratulations on being published! I can say I knew you when:)) You are one of those people that stand out in this world as someone special, and I am grateful to have you in my world. Youre the best my sweet friend:)) Hugs, Pam at http://craftycards4u2.blogspot.com/

Unknown said...

I came pack to tell you I have posted your blog candy on my sidebar. It would be cool to win but more than that if I am able to steer just one new follower your way that is a blessing to that new crafter to find a wonderful crafter, but more important to find a wonderful person. Hugs, Pam at http://craftycards4u2.blogspot.com/

The Bookin Room said...

Congrats on being published! I just posted your give-away on my sidebar - thebookinroom.blogspot.com
xoxo Charity!

Patti B said...

WOW Great giveaway. Thanks for the chance to win. And for all your talented projects.


Trish and Treasure said...

Wow that's a lot of followers, congratulations and I know you always give 100% all the time! Your work is always amazing! I'd love the chance to win your follower candy!

Trish and Treasure said...

I've added your giveaway to my sidebar! Have fun at your bbq today. Hugs Trish

Candy said...

Wow you have a lot of followers! Congrats! Thanks for the chance to win. I am a new follower!

Candy said...

I posted about your blog candy in my sidebar.

Sandy S. (CraftyCreations) said...

Congratulations on your blogaversary. And thanks for sharing all of your creations with us!


Susan said...

Awww Lisa! First, {{big hugs}} happy 6 months! You are one of my best blog buddies and I am so happy you did do a blog. Now cover your ears because I'm going to scream! YAY!!!! I am SO happy to hear you are going to be published!!! I have always felt your cards should be published and I am thrilled to pieces they will be!!!! Congrats!!! Your talent and creativity is a god given gift and I am so glad your letting it shine!


Respect My Kraft - Kris and Kristen said...

Congratulations Lisa!! I posted this on my blog!

Anita Braddock said...

Congrats on your 6month. thanks for sharing and a chance to win. follower

Chriss America Real said...

Happy Anniversary! Whooo Hooo! Lisa, I don't even care about winning the prize, I just can not wait until you have tutorial! You are THE most talented, creative person, I have met in the cyber world! I want to see how you do it girl! I am so happy and proud that you are going to be published! You are terrific! Hugs and kisses!

Chriss America Real said...

P.s. I wrote a blog about you!


Becky Dunham said...

Wow! Almost 700 followers in 6 months! That is quite an achievement Lisa! congrats! i am a new follower and i have to tell you that I love Kristal's stamps - the do make crafting easy. i have the fashionable friends and sometimes I will pick a stamp out of that and make a card using that particular stamp as inspiration! Thanks for the chance to win and for having such a great blog! I am going to love visiting :)

rebeccadunham at hotmail dot com

Tambo said...

I'm already a follower. Congrats on 6 months anniversary and your new look. Someday I will work through all of the coding and figure this thing out too! tfs Tami

Tambo's Creations

Tambo said...

I have left a post on my blog candy page about your giveaway! tfs Tami

Tambo's Creations

Patti Ross said...

I'm a new follower...thanks so much for the inspiration!

Patti Ross

Anonymous said...

Happy Blog-a-versary! I'm already a follower :-) Perfect give-a-way cartridge for this time of year :-)
-Sam :-)
SamanthaJDesigns @ hotmail.com

Karen said...

Congratulations on your 6-month blogaversary! You have such an awesome blog and you are so talented! And congrats on being published too! :)


K Clark said...

thanks so much for the opportunity to win... I am a follower and congrats on the 6-mths :)

Turnedgypsy said...

Woot new to your blog too...

AWESOME!!!!!!Awesome on all you ladies site and projects....woot



Beckie said...

Congrats! New follower ;) Stop in and see me.

Be Blessed, Beckie

Sharon said...

Congrats on your blogaversary! Time does fly. Im a new follower of your blog.


mbchoj said...

Congrats on your blogaversery. I am a new follower.
mbchoj at aol dot com

littlen said...

i posted your giveaway on my blog.

Kathy's Kreative Spot said...

Congrats on your 6 month blogaversary. I am a follower. I posted on my sidebar on my blog.
Katsews at gmail dotcom

Docerela said...

HI New follower here. hope you become one too..

Catarina aka docerela

Tisha said...

Thank you so much for visiting my blog and becoming a follower. I just became a follower of yours and love your blog. What a great giveaway!


Juliana Montoya - ILuvVintageScrap said...

Congratulations on your anniversary!!!! That is sooo exciting!!! I am loving your blog and I am so happy I found you!!! I will definitely share this on my blog!!!! Love, love Lost and Found!!


Juliana Montoya - ILuvVintageScrap said...

I just posted your Blog Candy on my blog!! Thank you again for being so generous!!

JoAnn V. (http://joboogie.typepad.com) said...

What an awesome Blog Candy! :) You know I'm already a follower! :)

joboogie at gmail dot com

AmyJRockstar said...

Hey girl! Thanks for the chance to win and congrats to you! Woot woot! I'm a follower of course. ;)

Be sure to stop by my blog to enter my 500 followers giveaway!

XO ~ Amy Jo
amyjrockstar at gmail dot com

Alisha said...

I am a follower and love it. your work is amazing and always learn something new.

Joanne said...

Good luck on reaching your goal! And thanx for a chance at the great goodies! Your creations are wonderful and I enjoyed visiting your blog! I will post your info the my side bar of my blog. ALoha, Joanne http://www.bigislandlady.blogspot.com/

Ulysses' mama said...

Congrats on your anniversary and being published! Your work is so special it's no wonder that you got recognized! What a sweet giveaway! The only thing worse about your computer situation is that a lot of the tome the tech support people speak with such a thick accent that you can't understand the directions (that they are totally reading off a page)!

Lisa said...

Hey Lisa! I added your blogaversary picture to the side bar of my blog spot, and of course i'm already a regular follower!!!! Congrats on getting published how exciting!!!


Sabrina said...

You are so sweet Lisa, thank you for this opportunity! It's been wonderful getting to know you and you are so talented! I have an award on my blog for you! xxx

S.Bayles said...

Thanks for the giveaway and all the nice comments when you visit my blog. Good Luck to everyone..........
Blog: http://lovethatexpressions.blogspot.com/
We will miss you hurry back..........

Tonya said...

I've added a link to your giveaway on the sidebar of my blog. Ittybittyladybugs.blogspot.com


Sugarlips said...

Congrats Lisa!!! You are such a wonderful blogger, I bet you will soon have thousands of followers. :)

Jenn Zeeb said...

Congrats on 6 months and opportunity at such great candy!

I am a follower and posted a link on my blog here...http://www.stamplified.blogspot.com/

Jenn Zeeb

Edel said...

What a lovely candy! Thanks a LOT for a chance to win!))
I`m your follower and put the link on the sidebar!

marg0006 said...

Became a follower now and subscriber even though I've been a follower for a while. I think you are super talented. I love your cards. Thanks for the chance at this great giveaway. My blog is Loving 101 and my email is marg0006@verizon.net

Vicki said...

Added your giveaway to my sidebar. Don't know why I didn't do it earlier - sorry.


Melissa said...

Happy 1/2 year blogoversary! Congrats!


Melissa said...

I just added your giveaway to my sidebar! Thanks for the second chance, I would love to have that cartridge!!


Nitasha said...

Congratulations on the publication and your jazzy new blog- looks great! Thanks so much for the awesome giveaway!

elisaphotoscrap at gmail dot com

Ruth (made4youcards) said...

I am so glad to have found you today!! what a lot of classy and creative ideas you have! I am anxious follow you and perhaps share some ideas too! thanks!!

janner said...

Congrats on 6 months! I already am a long time follower and am surprised your not at 1000 followers. You are so talented!!!!

Unknown said...

Congratulations. You've done so much in such a short amount of time. And wow, look at all those followers. You so deserve them! Really, you've been such a great blog friend.

Now can I just say...ME, ME, ME. Oh' I know how greedy that sounds. Thanks for letting me enter.

Hugs...Tracy :)

Unknown said...

I posted about the giveaway on my blog you can see it here:

I also added it to my sidebar and will tweet and facebook about it.

Hugs...Tracy :)

P.S. I forgot to leave my email address in my last comment.

Anonymous said...

Hi! I'm a new follower! Thanks for the giveaway!

Anonymous said...

I shared on Fb @ Sunni Bolger!

LeeAnn from NC said...

Congratulations on your six month blogaversary ! I enjoy your posts so much. The Pocohontas card you posted today is beautiful ! Thanks for sharing.

Tami B. said...

It's amazing what you've done in 6 months. I love the new blog header!

Vicky said...

I'm a new follower! I just got into doing the Cricut and I love it!!!

Sherry said...

Congrats on all the great things happening in your life. I love K. Andrew Design stamps.

Anonymous said...

I follow via GFC. Thanks for the giveaway!

Tara H
minkynopants at hotmail dot com

Julie.G said...

Hi, I am now a follower. Thanks.
kattfiveinfo at gmail dot com

Julie.G said...

Added your blog candy to my side bar.
thank you,
kattfiveinfo at gmail dot com

Michele T said...

Congratulations on your 6 month blogiversary!! I am a new follower.

Cindy Adkins said...

Congratulations! I'm your newest follower!!!

Norma R said...

700 followers in 6 months is fantastic! Congrats!


scrappinC said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Cely said...

congratulations lisa! Lol, I could've sworn that you were blogging for years with that number! What an incredible feat!

And of course, I'm already a follower. :)

cely_rohr at hotmail dot com

Warm n Wonderful said...

Congratulations Lisa. I have been a follower for a while now and love your posts.

Can't wait to see your 2 published pieces.

chick 256 at g mail dot com


Congratulations Lisa...I'm already a follower
Rebecca Minor


I posted your give away on my blog
Rebecca Minor

Стокли said...

Congratulations! I'm already a follower, thanks for the treat=)

Стокли said...

And I also posted a pic here.

Lisa Girard said...

I love your blog, your layouts and your sketches. Thank you for all the inspiration you give!

Lisa G

Angie S said...

Hi Lisa, congrats on 6 months & being published. I love getting your emails but didn't realize I wasn't a follower til today. But you can bet I am now. Thanks for the chance of winning such a wonderful goody bag.

Angie S said...

Sorry I don't have a blog but I did post on Facebook. Here is the link http://www.facebook.com/#!/profile.php?id=1661373724

Luanne said...

Congrats! on your 6th Month blogaversary and getting published in Scrapbook News and Review.

Thanks! for the chance to win.


Luanne said...

I have posted your giveaway to my blog side bar and twitted it.



Mallika said...

Congrats on the blogaversary and the upcoming publication. I am a follower.

Mallika said...

posted abt it on my sidebar too

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