Friday, March 25, 2011

Cedar Waxwings

I'm a little late in posting this...a flock of Cedar Waxwings came through about a month ago and stayed a week before moving on. They are such beautiful birds I just had to share the picture!


  1. That's so cool. It is a pretty bird.

    Btw, thank you again, for visiting my blog.

    Lisa D

  2. Great photo! Nothing better than getting close to nature.

  3. He sure is beatiful! Thank you for sharing the photo. You have such cute cards here.

    I found you through Momo. Isn't this the sweetest thing she is doing for us! :o)

  4. Hi, Lisa! Cedar Waxwing is one of my favorite birds and I don't often see them here. This picture is awesome! Thanks so much for visiting my blog and becoming a follower. I'm following you not too.



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