Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Dance Like Nobody's Watching

So it takes a lot to get me down, but today, I'm pretty down. I spent the day volunteering on a search team to locate an Indiana University college student missing since Friday. I didn't know her, but I went to school here and now live in the community. She is a beautiful girl who left a friend's apartment in the early hours of Friday morning and never arrived at her apartment two blocks away. The police have no leads and have found her purse, cell phone and keys close to where she was last seen before she disappeared. Hundreds of people are spending hours searching the town for any leads and posting flyers. The temps today were in the 90's with dangerous humidity and the same is expected tomorrow, but we will be out there searching again, hoping and praying for the best.

I was pretty exhausted when I got home, but I wanted to create something to remind me to enjoy each day. I used my brand new Martha Stewart punch around the page for the border. The paper is from My Mind's Eye Deena's Penny Lane. I cut the dancer from Wall Decor and More at 4 1/4" using Core Couture. I embossed the stamp with gold embossing powder, added ribbon around the edges and flowers attached with iRock crystals.

I hope you all have a great evening and remember to work like you don't need money, love like you've never been hurt and dance like nobody's watching :)


  1. Oh my what a horrid thing to happen it's never nice when anything like this happens and do hope she is found and is well and a big pat on the back to you for joining in the search. now for the card how girly is this I love it so delicate looking beautiful
    Take care Jacki xx

  2. My heart drops everytime I hear about a situation like this. I could tell from your post it does have you down Lisa but please try to take some comfort in the fact that people are coming together to help search for her. That says volumes about people that would do that to help a stranger, and that includes you too. Try to stay positive.

    I do think your card is very pretty. I was wondering how you did the border so I'm glad you included that! Be careful being out in the heat tomorrow and I'll keep you in my prayers friend. :)


  3. That is so very sad. At my neice's school a Junior was last seen yesterday riding his bike home. No one has seen him since yesterday afternoon. I can't imagine the pain the parents go through when something like that happens.

  4. Such a sad story...that is so nice of you to dedicated your time in volunteering to help find her. You are a wonderful person to help in a time of crisis. My prayers go out to the community and to this young girl, that she returns safely.

    Lisa, your card is beautiful and I love the Martha Stewart punch you used. It's an awesome border.
    Keep your chin up:)

    Sherrie K

  5. What a heart breaking situation. I hope she is found safe. Your project is beautiful and will surely remind you to enjoy each moment, each day. I hope your spirits will be lifted with the start of a new day tomorrow. All the best ~ LuLu

  6. Bee-utiful card. Especially like the Martha Stewart punch border & embellishments you used. Your card lifted my spirits and hope that it lifts the spirits of all thinking about the girl you are searching for.

  7. Thanks for entering my candy - good luck!

  8. I'm so sorry to hear about that girl, how awful :-( You are such a wonderful person to take the time to get involved and help. Wish more people were like you!

    Your card is absolutely beautiful and the meaning behind it is wonderful.

    Please keep us updated on if they find her. I will keep her and her family in my thoughts and prayers.


  9. Lisa ~ please know that my prayers are with the family and the girl that is missing. It saddens my heart when I hear something like this.

    Your card is lovely and the sentiment is how we all feel.

    Cindy Lou

  10. That is just so sad, I am sending my prayers.

    Beautiful card!

  11. SUch a lovely card. I hope all goes well

  12. Lisa, I'm sending lots of prayers and love to all involved... I'm glad your beautiful heart is part of the effort. I'm certain your loving presence is deeply appreciated. On a lighter note, this card is absolutely gorgeous. Being a dancer, my heart tour jete'd when I saw it in my dashboard feed. Never did I expect the occasion to be somber, but as I choreograph tomorrow I will make a special section just for this student... please keep us posted.

    Hugs and blessings!

  13. Hi Lisa,Amazing card!I love all the great details,I am sending my prayers.

  14. I hope she is found,I am from Indiana.I did't see this on news,I always notice things that happen in Ind. mainly because of family being there still,You did a great job on your card,Beautiful.joydee1963 at yahoo dot com

  15. What a terrible thing to happen- my heart and prayers go out to all who love her! I love the card- the sentiment certainly celebrates enjoying each day! Amy

  16. Your card is lovely. I will keep your community in my thoughts and prayers. I love the quote you added to the bottom of your post :) Sending happy thoughts your way.

  17. O wow, stuff happening like that reminds us to be more and more careful every time we step outside, I so wish I could be there helping with the search and whatever else the family needs, I'll just stay here and pray for all of you guys out there searching to keep your hopes alive... wishing u all the best...
    Claudia W.

  18. Such a beautiful card. All the best for the search. It's amazing you still manage to create something so gorgeous with such a heavy heart. I hope it gave you more strength for the search today. x

  19. Oh Lisa, so sad, I'll add prayers they find her safe, just scary.

    Your cards are just beautiful, each one more detail I see and layers making them all so special to anyone receiving them.

    Hugs, Lori m


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