Sunday, August 21, 2011

You Are Brilliant!

Click HERE for the Getting Cricky Blog Hop
**There is still time to enter for a chance to win a set of K Andrew stamps!**

Happy Sunday, everyone! I hope you are having a great weekend! I can not seem to get caught up. I feel like I am three steps behind on everything. Plus, I'm trying to update the look of my blog and it is taking me much longer than I thought. I am sorry I haven't been around much to comment...I will work on that soon, I promise!
I do have a project to enter into a few challenges. I saw this image on Campin Critters and knew I wanted to use it for something. It is a camping journal, but I adapted it as a back to school journal so a child can document all the important events throughout the school year. I used my Gypsy to change the wording from "Camp" to "School". I used K Andrew stamps from her Fashionable Friends set, You Are Brilliant, to remind the student how smart they are! $1 from every one of these stamp sets sold directly benefits Doorways for Women & Families (an organization helping those escape and survive domestic violence). Buy these stamps with pride knowing you are getting an awesome product and helping those in need!
I have left the inside pages blank for now, but you could add stamped sentiments or images, places for school pictures, the possibilities are endless! Plus, you can add pages as needed to the journal. I used a Nestabilities die for the clasp and attached it with velcro so it holds the book closed.

  • K Andrew Stamp - Amazing You - Click HERE to purchase your own set
  • Campin Critters - journal at 7 3/4"
  • A Child's Year - crayons at 1"
  • DCWV - letter paper and pencil paper, rest from my stash
  • Hobby Lobby Star Ribbon and Orange Ribbon
  • Spellbinders Nestabilities Die - clasp
  • Velcro - to hold book closed
I am entering the journal in the following challenges:
Thanks so much for stopping by today! I hope you have a wonderful week :)


  1. Your journal came out so great! Love the fun colors and the super positive saying!

    I also think this is such a good idea, I realized now that my girls are a little older I really needed to start keeping track of all their achievements and awards for future applications into clubs, check out my little achievement journal I made for my girls:

    Have a great week!


  2. This is super cute, what a great idea! :)


  3. Great idea to have a journal book at start of new school yr and get them to handwrite which more often seems to be old school when they prefer to enter on computer.
    "Sunshine HoneyBee"

  4. This is a great idea for just about any age kiddo! It could be an autograph book too! I just might lift this if that's OK with you. Hugs, Pam at

  5. Great project Lisa haven't been able to do as much blogging as I want work is just to crazy buzy!
    big hugs

  6. What a cute journal! Love the fun papers you used. I know what you mean- sometimes I don't feel like I'm going to get caught up with stuff- not enough hours in the day. :)Amy

  7. Oh so cute Lisa! Love the journal idea, the colors are great! Have a wonderful night!

  8. What a great journal! Love the paper and colors:)

  9. Nice job Lisa. I really like how you changed it to work with the school journal instead of camping and the colors are super.

  10. Oh Lisa, what a FABULOUS project. Amazing! ~Shen

  11. Hey Lisa!

    Boy, I have some catching up to do! I thought you were saying I was brilliant! lol! I'm kidding....this is cute though, that's not kidding!

    I have a little something on my blog for you if you get a chance!


  12. YOU are brilliant! :o) Hehe, couldn't resist. This is a wonderful project, my dear friend. I love the bright colors, the super cute crayon trim, and of course the clasp. Isn't it fun how there are oodles of potential uses for this fabulous creation? Excellent work, Lisa! (I badly want a blog re-do, too... it's daunting and time consuming and may never happen. ;) Good luck with yours! Can't wait to see it!) :o)

    Hugs and blessings! :o)

  13. Great idea Lisa! This is like creating your own smash book. Brilliant! :)

  14. i was unable to complete the blog hop so will just have to look now.. LOVE your journal!!! they are so much fun!

  15. Wow..what a great journal, love the bright fun colours!Great idea

  16. Cute journal, Lisa! I love it.


  17. Lisa~this journal turned out cheery and bright and just great for anyone to journal their school year!!! I like the papers you used and the cute, cute idea:) May have to scraplift this idea sometime. TFS!!

    I am feeeling like I am right along with you...behind on things! This last weekend was nuts. I am sorry I haven't been commenting and visiting as much..I will, I just got a lot on my plate right now. Glad we are in this together......heheh!

    Sherrie K

  18. I am back.....Please stop by my blog, I have an award for you:)
    Sherrie K

  19. Hi Lisa ~ I wasn't able to to see the Ustream, I did purchase 2 sets of stamps. I can't wait to get them.
    Have a fantastic day.
    Cindy Lou

  20. Lisa, what can I say! You did it again. I love every detail of this. Love the paper. Thanks for joining us at DCD and Cricut360.


  21. I love this! It is perfect for back to school. No worries I know how a busy life feels right now. I am so thankful for my fabulous (and patient) followers too!

  22. really cute journal.tfs

  23. This is awesome! I love to see journals. They are great to make for ourselves and our kids, but also make fantastic gifts that are likely to be used and well-loved.

  24. Oh my goodness, this is AWESOME!! LOVE how you added the stamp to the front -- Everyone needs to hear that they are brilliant when faced with an 8am college course, right??? I'm so making one of these... :)

    Amy :) at


Thank you so much for stopping by and for your comments...I truly appreciate them :)