Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Sew Chic and Getting Cricky Blog Hop Winner!!

Happy Wednesday, everyone! I hope you are having a great day! The next two weeks are going to be so super-busy for me, I won't be able to get online much at all. I am trying to get some projects done in the next couple of days so I can schedule posts to go up, but I won't be able to stop by much and leave comments. I sincerely apologize and as soon as things get back to normal, I'll be around to catch up with everyone and see your amazing projects!
I have a card to enter into a challenge today. I used paper from My Mind's Eye Lost & Found - Union Square stack...just like the one I'm giving away! I absolutely love this paper! I gave the Sew Crafty mini another shot and it worked a little better this time. I stitched with black thread around the edge. The dress frame is from Forever Young, cut at 1 1/2". The buttons are from my stash. I inked all the edges with Tim Holtz Walnut Distress Ink. The stamp is from K Andrew Designs Fashionable Friends stamp set! Click HERE to purchase your own set of these fashionably fabulous stamps, or to see  her entire line! I used this sketch for the design:
I am entering the card in the My Sheri Crafts Challenge #69 - Sew Simple

I want to thank everyone who stopped by for the Getting Cricky Blog Hop on Friday and a special thanks to the friends who used my code to purchase K Andrew Design stamps at 20% off! When I figured in the comments plus the extra entries for the people who used the code, there were 107 entries. I used random org {True Random Number Generator: Min: 1 Max: 107 Result: 51 Powered by RANDOM.ORG} and the winner of the Coffee and Tea For You and Me set is..............................................................

Sherrie K

Woo-hoo! Congratulations, Sherrie! I'll be emailing you soon!

Thank so much for stopping by today! I hope you all have a great day :)


  1. Great take on the sketch Lisa! Love the sewing and the paper is great! Almost looks a bit distressed~like the cute little buttons too:)

    Wow, I am super excited to have won. I don't have any of these stamps. It will be fun to try them out! Thanks a lot Lisa!!! The hop was a lot of fun and such great projects!!

    Sherrie K

  2. Super Chic! You did a Great Job Lisa! And we will miss you so don't stay away to long lol!!

  3. Great card Lisa! Congrats to Sherrie!

    mommyscraftycreations atgmail dot com

  4. Great Card Lisa! Love your color combo, so chic!
    Take care, we will miss you!

  5. Pretty card! I love the different papers you used. :)


  6. Great card Lisa! I love the newsprint paper and fun stamped image! The sewn border is great too ! Congrats to Sherri!!! :)Amy

  7. This is beautifully done, love the papers you used and your stitching was perfect (I haven't been able to get the hang of the mini machine yet) and I loved the dress form! Cute!!!

  8. Congrats to Sherrie!
    I love the papers that you chose for this card! I love the real stitching and the dress form is awesome!

  9. Lovely card Lisa!! Love all the different papers you used & colors!! Congrats to Sherri!!!

  10. very cute card! lovee the colors and distressed look.

    keep krafting! =]

  11. Very pretty card. Love the colors and the stitching.

    Thanks so much for linking your card up my Show and Tell :)


  12. First off congrats to Sherrie, yeah!! Enjoy your new stamps. This is a cool card Lisa:)What speaks to me right off is your versatility, this is a really different card from what I am used to you doing, a really new look at least to me. It is really pretty and I love it, it shows your ability to change up your style. You blow me away Sweet girl. Hugs, Pam

  13. Me again! I forgot to say that I will miss you while you be gone. Please take care of yourself get lots of rest. I will still check out your posts though. I need to learn how to do that so when grandsons are born I can still post, ha ha says my daughter:)) Hugs, Pam

  14. Congratulations to Sherrie! I love this card! That background is so cool, and the colors are great! Love the stitching and buttons! :)

  15. Congrats Sherrie, Lisa lovely new card and enjoy, and looking forward to seeing your new projects.

    Hugs, Lori m

  16. Congratulations, Sherrie! Enjoy your new goodies! :o) Lisa, you will be dearly missed... but will certainly look forward to your scheduled posts. :o) You'll have like a thousand comments to read when you get back online! Hehe! I hope things are going okay, sweet friend, and that you'll simply be busy.

    This card is wonderful! I'm a huge fan of the black/white/red combo and you used it so beautifully. I love the dress form, the vintage-distressed look, and those gorgeous papers and buttons. The stitching is great, too! I'm glad it worked better for you this time. :o) Smile lots and know that you'll be missed!

    Hugs and blessings!

  17. Love your interpretation of the sketch. Very pretty card. That paper has vintage look to it, and I really love how you used it here.

  18. I love your change of style for this card and I love how you used the layout,... Love it!

  19. This is beautiful, Lisa!! Wonderful take on the sketch and I love your sewing! Genius!!

  20. Hi Lisa,FANTASTIC job with this sketch!It is just perfect my friend,I LOVE IT!:)

  21. Great take on this sketch...absolutely beautiful! Love that you added stitching as well. :)

  22. Oooooooh, this card is tres chic!! And that's about the extent of the my French-speaking abilities. :) Love the red and black combo on this - and that vintage feel is really, really beautiful. Simply gorgeous, as always, my friend. :)

    You will be missed while you're away, but I look forward to your scheduled posts. I am always inspired by your creativity. :)

    Take care, Nita

  23. So pretty! Great paper and great take on the sketch! Congrats Sherrie!

  24. Tres Chic card! Love it!

    Congrats Sherrie!

  25. I love your card, so super "chic" and I love the paper! And congratulations to Sherrie! xx

  26. Beautiful card! Love your colors and stitching! I'm hopping by from Jani's Show and Tell Party ~ Blessings

  27. I love how you sewed around the edges and added buttons. Congrats to Sherrie

  28. Wonderful card, love the stitching around the card. The buttons are wonderful.
    Try not to work to hard,
    Cindy Lou

  29. Aloha Lisa,
    Wow! AMAZING work like always. I love the paper and the color combo. The stitching goes well with the card. Congrats to Sherri. I always look forward to see what your going to create next so I'm going to miss not seeing any new projets. Take Care my sweet friend.
    Karzma Kreations

  30. Hi Lisa did you get my email address for cutter bee scissors? I email you. In case you didn't here it is: tamimatheson at hotmail dot com

    I love your card it's sew chic!

  31. Hi Lisa, hope everything is ok! I will stop by and enjoy your wonderfulness while you are gone! By the way, do you know about this World Card Making Day?
    I think you could win it! I don't think I am going to enter because my cards are beginner cards, but you have some fantastic ones!

  32. Great card, Lisa! Love your choice of color and really love your background paper. The buttons and all our little touches are wonderful!
    Cindy Porter

  33. I really like this, the manaquin is a great addition to the card and love the vintagy feel the background texted paper gives :)

  34. Lovely card! Thanks for joining our "Sew Simple" challenge this week at My Sheri CRAFTS ;-)


Thank you so much for stopping by and for your comments...I truly appreciate them :)