Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Link Up Love Party With K Andrew!!

Happy Tuesday, bloggers! It's time again for another super-fun Link Up the Love Party with K Andrew! The Link Up the Love Party is a great way to meet new bloggers and find inspiration from some truly amazing projects!
Link Up Love Party: How it Works
  • Link Up Party runs from Tuesday 10/18 to Tuesday 10/25.
  • Grab the Getting Cricky blinky and post on your blog's sidebar
  • Be a follower of Getting Cricky
  • Create a new blog post that is titled Link Up Love Party with K Andrew. In your post, you must mention that the link up love party is a way to get to know each other and find new blog inspiration, mention my blog, with a link back to Getting Cricky
  • Post your favorite project that you've done in your blog for HALLOWEEN
  • Copy and paste the link up code into your blog post so the Inlinkz will show up on your blog
  • Spread the word so everyone can join in!
  • You must visit, follow, and comment on the 5 people before you AND the 5 people after you in the Inlinkz. It would be fantastic if you would visit as many as you can--maybe everyone? If you are one of the first 5 then you will need to blog the ones before you and a few more after--as long as it's a minimum of 10 near you in the link up
  • If you do not do the above your link will be deleted, because it's just not fair to those who work so hard linking up and showing love to the ones on the list. I have two moderators who will be checking this out to keep it awesome and fun!
Kristal's Fall-O-Ween stamp set is one of my favorites! I am posting a Halloween card I made for the last Getting Cricky Blog Hop. Click HERE for details!
And don't forget to stop back on Friday for the next Getting Cricky Blog Hop! You'll see lots of fabulous projects and some awesome NEW stamps!
And on Sunday, we will have another fun Simply Sunday Challenge for you to play along with!!

Thanks so much for stopping by and don't forget to Link Up The Love and post your favorite Halloween project below!!


  1. Lisa, Lisa....this is why you are a hero to me. Your creations always make me smile!!!

  2. Adorable card Lisa- I love the google eyes on all of these fun too cute to spook spooks! :)Amy

  3. Cute card. Stopping in from the link up party.


  4. This card is so cute. Lisa, your cards are all fabulous. Have a great day:)

  5. Hi Lisa, I'm a new follower and just love your project. So nice to meet you!

    Patti Ross

  6. This is such an adorable card! Love the googly eyes :)

  7. That skeleton is really cool...did you cut a paper doll and then use pens to draw the skeleton? I'm loving it!

  8. Oh Lisa, this is just so FUN! I love those little google eyes (why do they make me LAUGH so hard?), and your colours are so bright and cheery. Your card really is "too cute to spook". Love it. :)

  9. Adorable card! I love all the "monsters!"

  10. Lisa,
    as always another fabulous card!! I love the little monsters.

    PS Thanks for the anniversary wishes. I appreciate it.

  11. Like the monster card especially with the wiggly eyes.
    "Sunshine HoneyBee"

  12. This card is precious! I especially like the little touches like the googly eyes and twine! Nice job!

  13. Lisa I love this card and the way your mind works when you create. Hugs, Pam

  14. Super fun and spooky!

  15. Lisa, this is another fabulous card! These Halloween creatures are adorable:) Such a FUN card:)
    Sherrie K

  16. Hey Lisa! (You know I'm a follower!)

    Love the card and I really love the sentiment! LOL! I have to add the rest to the Trick or Treat rhyme....

    "If you don't I don't care...I'll pull down your underware!" Ha ha! Anyway..that's how we sang it growing up! (Even though we never did do that!) Thanks for the laugh and I'm sorry if you just spit Diet Coke on your new computer! ;)


  17. Your card is adorable! Don't you just love PDDU?!--Pat N.

  18. Hi Lisa,
    Thanks for checking out my googly eyes card. The ghosts are on the inside, not sure if you knew that? Your card is spooky CUTE! Love the sentiment & remember it well as a kid. Glad you are following and I feel the same about your creative stuff!! LOVE the link up events....

  19. Supper cute love the papers and the colors look great. thanks for sharing.

  20. Stopping by from the LULP...already a follower but I just wanted to say I love your card...it is too cute!!!


Thank you so much for stopping by and for your comments...I truly appreciate them :)