Sunday, March 11, 2012

The Little Mermaid, Blog Award Thanks and WINNER!!

Happy Sunday, everyone!!  I hope you had a great weekend!! My Getting Cricky design team sister Jessie of Sugarlips Sassy Surprises is headed to Disney World soon and wanted to make an autograph book for her daughter. Fellow design team member Shawn of Crafty Chics decided to turn it into a challenge, the Disney Autograph Book Challenge!! Shawn is asking everyone to create one autograph page (8 1/2" x 5") with a Disney character on it, link it up at Crafty Chics and then mail it to Jessie (visit Shawn's blog for all the details).

Hum, I wonder what Disney character I chose?? Ariel, The Little Mermaid :) (shocking, right??!!) I used Core'dinations Core Couture and cut the Little Mermaid from Disney Dreams Come True.

I had a hard time getting good pics of the pages because the paper is so sparkly. The background paper is from K & Company Happy Trails stack. I love this paper...there are some raised spots for dimension but you can't really tell in the picture. I love the look of the waves :)

Ariel inside the shell was also cut with Core Couture from DDCT.

Ariel was cut from DDCT at 4" using Core Couture paper. I embossed her tail with the Cuttlebug Japanese Scales embossing folder. I had a very hard time not popping her up with foam tape, or adding bling, but I didn't want to make the page too bulky. "Tales of a Mermaid" is from K Andrew Designs Pirate Tales & Fish Scales stamp set:

Click HERE to purchase your own set or to see her entire fabulous line!!

Now it's your turn to help out Jessie and create a Disney autograph page for her daughter!! Then head on over to Crafty Chics and link up your page!! I can't wait to see what you create :)


I am always so honored when someone thinks of me for a Blog Award!! I sincerely apologize in the delay in thanking several people for this honor.

First I would like to thank Lori of Reflections From Granny for thinking of me for the Liebster Award!! Thanks, Lori...I will add this to my blog with pride :)

Green Blend Award!!

I am so excited and honored to have received the Green Blend Award from several of my sweet friends!! I've already thanked Jessica of Jessica's Craft Shaque :) So I would like to give a great big thank you to (in the order it was received):

Sherrie of Sherrie Scraps With Passion
Cely of Hawaii Paper Party
Karen of Kaleidoscopic Sparkles
Pam of Craftycards4u2
Shelly of My Paper Love
Rhonda of Scrap Happens
Amy of Redheaded Crafter
Susan of Cricut and Grasshopper
Kristan of Babycakes
Jessie of Sugarlips Sassy Surprises
Cheri of DJ Sundries.

Thank you so much for this award!! It means so much to me :)

Here are the terms under which this “Green Blend Award” are to be given:

1. This award is for any co-blogging friend who has helped you develop your blog in any and all ways.
2. This award is for any co-blogging friend who has cheered you along in your blog building, craft advancing career.
3. This award is for any co-blogging friend who always stops by and is kind to you. You can count on them to always be one of the great comments at the end of your post.
4. This award is to be given to 3 to 5 Blends whom you feel meet the listed requirements.
5. Create a post with the terms of use and publish your Blends of choice.
6. Blend of choice may copy the award from your blog and proudly post it on theirs.
7. Blend of choice may continue the kindness by issuing this award to keep the circle forever growing.

I hate this part because there are so, so many people I want to give this to. It's hard to single out people when everyone is so deserving. I am giving it back to:

Cely of Hawaii Paper Party
Rhonda of Scrap Happens
Amy of Redheaded Crafter
Kristan of Babycakes
Jessie of Sugarlips Sassy Surprises
Cheri of DJ Sundries
Lori of Reflections From Granny

You don't have to repost this since you already have...I just wanted to give it back to you all :)


And now the winner of my blog candy giveaway of a paper stack and matching flowers from Amy Jo's Birthday Blog Hop!! There were 85 comments and I used to choose...

And #23 is.............................

Congrats, Amy!! I'll send you an email for your address :)

Thanks for stopping by today!! There is a new challenge at Getting Cricky - a color challenge in honor of St. Patty's Day. Use green, white and one other color. Head on over to Getting Cricky and link up your project :)


  1. Beautiful album, what a great gift to send along. Hugs, Lori m

  2. Your album page is so adorable Lisa! I love it!! Oh congrats on your award.

    Veronica JrDT-Sister

  3. Well, if you had chosen anyone but ariel, we'd have to take your fin away. ;) This is really cute. I love the background paper. I can tell it's perfect. Such an adorable page....and you can autograph it yourself. ;)

  4. What a great gift.. And your page is so adorable Lisa.

  5. Your page is absolutely adorable!! What a fantastic idea, great gift too!!
    TFS :0)

  6. I love it! I have the best DT sisters ever. I appreciate it,and I know she is going to love this page so much.

    Thanks for the award too.

    You are the best Lisa!!!

  7. Congrats to you and the other recipients of this award.

  8. How Adorable Lisa! The paper is so perfect and the pages make you feel like you're under the sea! It's fabulous and I'm sure she will LOVE it!
    Have a WONDERFUL night my sweet friend!

  9. Lisa, that is the cutest Little Mermaid page. Everything about it is just perfect. Ariel is one of my all time favorite Disney characters.
    Congrats on the Award and thanks for explaining how it works. I never could figure out what they were about...don't laugh... :(

    Great work and have a great week!
    Dee B

  10. I love this page what a super lo and great job. Congrats on the awards to all.
    DIANA L.

  11. Oooh, I love this autograph page! :o) What's not to love, right? Gorgeous mermaid, paper so sparkly it's difficult to photograph, and Disney love? Ariel herself is going to want to swipe this when she signs it. ;) The paper is stunning and perfect! I love everything about this and when it's Disney time, Jessie's daughter will have the best autograph book ever. Beautifully done as always, my friend! (Can you believe I have zero Disney carts? It makes me weep!)

    Hugs and blessings!

  12. This is a beautiful page for her book Lisa. I would have been so disappointed if you had done anyone except Ariel. The stamps were made with you in mind I think:)) So perfect!

    Also congratulations to Amy for her win, I'm jealous I really liked those papers, haha!! I am double sure she will make some gorgeous things with it.

    Congrats also sweetie on so many people giving you the awards, you so deserve these and so many more.

    Hugs, Pam

  13. I bet she is going to be asked at Disney "where did you get that Fabulous album!"

  14. Love Ariel!! beautiful job on this Lisa!!
    TFS and congrats on your award!!

  15. So pretty. Love all the papers and textures. That scale embossing folder is so perfect! Congrats on your award. You deserve it :)

  16. Great project. Live the sparkles.

    Be blessed, Beckie

  17. All that glitter is so stinkin cute! :) And congrats Amy!

  18. Adorable little book- and I would expect you to pick Ariel!!! Congrats on your well deserved award---and THANKS SO MUCH FOR THE BLOG CANDY!! How exciting!!! :)Amy

  19. I love your little Ms Ariel! The papers are so fun and shimmery!! No surprise you picked Ariel, lol! Congrats on all the awards-you are talented and wonderful blogger buddy to many of us:) Also, congrat's to Amy on her win!
    Have a great day my friend!
    Sherrie K

  20. Lisa,
    I LOVE this page! The background paper is perfect . . . just like the waves of water!

    Shawn ~ Getting Cricky Design Team Member
    Crafty Chics Blog
    and ~ Find your Cricut images FAST!
    Webmasters Earn Money Here!

  21. Lisa ~ OMG! Your Ariel is wonderful!!! Ariel will be proud to autograph this page. The autograph book will be awesome with all the crafty pages everyone does for it.
    Have a fabulous day my dear friend.
    Cindy Lou

  22. Congrats on all your well deserved award! This Ariel autograph page is so cute! Ariel is my FAVORITE:)

  23. This is SO cute! I love the background paper and her glittery hair! It's almost too pretty to write on! :)


  24. very the glitter and ariel.tfs

  25. I love this card, ariels my fave ever, i like your blog really alot, good job u got an award your fab
    i wrote on my blog about ur candy
    love macka doodle age 6


Thank you so much for stopping by and for your comments...I truly appreciate them :)