Monday, October 8, 2012

Vacation Pics and Owlsome Fall Blog Hop WINNER!!

Happy Monday everyone!! I'm home from vacation, but nowhere near caught up yet. I tried to get to as many blogs as I could this weekend and catch up on all of the projects I missed while I was gone. I'll still be making rounds this week to catch up. Before I announce the winner of the Halloween stamps from the Owlsome Fall Y'all Blog Hop, I thought I'd share some pictures of my trip throughout the southwest.

We traveled from Mexico...

(okay, not actually IN Mexico, but you can see it across the Rio Grande ;)

To London...

Okay, not the real London, but to...

 London Bridge!!

And some of the other places we visited:

 San Antonio, Texas  Riverwalk

Cadillac Ranch, Amarillo, Texas

Big Bend National Park, Texas
(I thought in this picture, the mountains didn't look real, but painted)

 Roswell, New Mexico
(no UFO sightings except for these guys everywhere)

Saguaro National Park, Arizona
Joshua Tree National Park, California

We also visited several other National Parks: Guadalupe Mountains, Carlsbad Caverns, Petrified Forest, as well as several National Monuments and Preserves. The two weeks flew by!!

Okay, now for the winner of the Heidi Grace Halloween stamps from the Owlsome Fall Y'all Blog Hop. I used to select the winner, and it chose...

and #10 is...

Congratulations, Tara!! I'll send you an email or you can email your address to me at indymermaid(at)gmail(dot)com and I'll get them in the mail to you before Halloween.

Thanks so much for stopping by and visiting me while I was gone!! I hope to be able to get back to my craft room this week and start working on some projects to share. Have a great day :)


  1. Hope you had a fabulous vacation.Beautiful pics.Congrats to winner.

  2. Hi Fabulous One,
    Welcome Back!Yes!Love having you back!!!Lovely Photos,Very Funny too!It's great that you took a break,Glad to have you back.Thanks for ALL the Bloggie love that you left me,also I am a spellbinders fan,just made little dresses with a die I just received.LOVE THEM...
    Sending you a HUGE amount of Bloggie love,

  3. OMGosh girl, you were in my neck of the woods!!! Wish I would have known you were gonna be in beautiful SA maybe we could have shown you around. Sounds like you had a wonderful trip, welcome back to bloggie world :D. It was so sweet of you to check out all my posts but you didnt have to, I know life gets busy my friend. Have a wonderful week, can't wait to see your new projects!!

  4. Very nice pics thanks for sharing and Congrats to the winner!!!

  5. Hi Lisa~
    Welcome back my sweet friend... I'm mesmerizing on your beautiful trip you went on. Wow looks like fun fun fun, very lovely pics.
    BTW - congrats to your lucky winner!
    TFS - enjoy your Monday and new crafty week ahead...

  6. Hi my lovely friend:)) What a Wonderful places you visited, gorgeous photos:)
    Welcome back, I Missed you and Your fantastic creations:)
    Big big big hug,

  7. Beautiful pics. Looks like you visited some really pretty places. Thanks for sharing with us. Congrats Tara.

    Hugs Nana
    ♥ My Crafting Channel ♥
    Email Me

  8. Fabulous pics and glad you had an awesome. Thanks for catching up on my blog and all the wonderful comments you left. Welcome home! Hugs, Karon

  9. Such beautiful pictures Lisa!! Sounds like you had a GREAT trip!!!
    Thanks for sharing all these and congrats to your winner!!!

  10. Sounds like it was lots of fun:) Thanks for sharing your pics with us. Congrats to the winner!

    Peace, Love, & Cricut Hugs!
    Monica L.

  11. so glad your back and looks like a fun time and some beautiful places you went. hugs my friend.

  12. Looks like a FUN trip & awesome pics -- just sad you didn't stop by while in AZ to say "Hi" -- LOL!!! Glad you had a lovely vacay, Lisa!!!

  13. Oh I really enjoyed this post Lisa, what an amazing trip! Gosh you made me laugh a few times , Michael had to run out to see what I was laughing about..he laughs everytime I laugh, hahaha!! I visited 42 friends of mine today and I knew I was missing!!! Thanks for dropping by !! Tomorrow I am having a 250 follower giveaway! eek!

  14. Looks like you had a great time Lisa. Welcome back to blogger land.

  15. So, you were in TX but not close enough to where I live. I've been to the places you mentioned except for where the London Bridge is. Welcome back.
    "Sunshine HoneyBee"

  16. So happy you are back you are the most wonderful blogger ever! You photos area amazing so sorry you didn't see any ufo's

  17. Lisa!! Voce fez uma bela viagem aventureira! Quantas belezas naturais voce pode ver!! Espero que tenha se divertido muito!!

  18. What a fun vacation. Love all of your pictures. Glad you had such a wonderful vacation, but you were definitely missed. I loved reading your post, when I read you were in Mexico then in London, I had to go re-read it, I am think how did she get from Mexico to London so fast.. LOL. Hugs

  19. Great pictures! I bet you had a fabulous vacation.

  20. Great scenery. Congrats to the winner!

  21. Awesome pics Lisa! Looks like you jam packed every moment of your two week vacation! Glad your back!

  22. what a spectacular view, I am sure you enjoyed your vacation, Lisa.
    Heaney xx

  23. Great pictures! Bet you had a fabulous time!! Susie

  24. Looks like you had a lot of fun. (and did a lot of driving) Hope you made some wonderful memories.

  25. My sweetest friend, what a treat these pictures are! It looks you created such spectacular memories. I especially LOVE the cactus picture... although all are fantastic. :o) I'm glad you were able to visit places that are so special to you. I have no doubt you'll be back in your craft room, whipping up masterpieces, in no time flat. :o) Have a beautiful night, Lisa! I bet the stars are extra twinkly, just for you! :o)

    Hugs and blessings!

  26. What a fun vacation! Thanks for popping by my blog! I just scrolled through the projects I have missed of yours too and I am completely infatuated with the Owl Canvas!!!! I love how creepy and spooky it is! Isn't Halloween the best!

  27. Those are some Awesome pictures. Looks like you guys had a great time my friend.

    Congrats to your winner and have a great week.

  28. Welcome home, Lisa! Your trip looked amazing, to say the least! How did you survive no crafting for 2 weeks?? It looked like you were pretty busy having some non-crafty fun though. Welcome back to bloggie blogger land, lol. You were missed!!

    Diana :)
    Leelee Card Designs

  29. Hey - good to see you back! I was starting to worry about you lol! Looks like your really had an amazing trip.
    And thanks for your wonderful comments!
    Liva ❤

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  31. Hi Lisa ,

    what a great vacantion . Your trip looked fabulous ,
    i'm a little bit jealous ;););) . Maybe one day....

    Great to have you back
    Hugs Jenny xx

  32. Awesome photo's Lisa! I really enjoyed seeing the different scenery. Looks like you had a fabulous time.
    ps. I also want to thankyou so much for all the wonderful comments you left! I really appreciate it. Hugs x

  33. Love all of your pictures my sweet friend. What a wonderful trip you took. Love all the places you visited. I have been to most of them and they are wonderful. Have a fabulous day. Glad you are back.
    Cindy Lou

  34. Love your pics! Thanks for sharing. Can't believe I won. Thanks


  35. What a beautiful vacation Lisa! I wish I could have gone with you:) I hope you have a great day!

  36. Lisa,
    Wow, sounds like an awesome vacation!! You were in my neck to the woods!! I live in Southern Calif.
    Thanks for sharing all the awesome pictures

  37. WOW Lisa..looks like a beautiful and eventful vacation! Thank you for sharing your photos with us! Thank you so much for all of the comments you left me since you got back! You are soo very sweet!!!


  38. You took some awesome pictures on your journey!

  39. Aww Lisa, I grew up in Albuquerque and have been to most of the places in your pics...I'm just a little homesick now!! Did you guys make it to the International Balloon Fiesta in Albuquerque? Or did you get that far north? It was going on during the time you were traveling. It's amazing!!!!

  40. So pleased you had a fab vacation Lisa!Your pictures are amazing! OMG had me for a minute!
    Your foil tape is on it's way to you and should arrive anyday now.And guess what? I was one of the winners of Tim's 12 days of 2012 with that tag!! Found out yesterday! Have a great week.
    Jayne x

  41. Wow you really put on a lot of miles! Love the pics! Glad you had a great time :) Welcome back !!

  42. Oh my gosh Jani you were in my neck of the woods, I live in Needles, 40 miles from the london bridge as a matter of fact I work there on Wednesdays a block from the bridge, leaving for there in 30 minutes! Looks like you had a Great trip :)

  43. GREAT looking pictures Lisa!Thanks for sharing:)

  44. Fantastic pictures and so happy to hear you had a great time and glad you're back:)

  45. wow! fantastic photos and fun looking vacation. welcome back :)

  46. Great vacation pics!! I love road trips!! How was the San Antonio River Walk? I've always wanted to go there!!
    TFS such fun pics!!


  47. Google is the best search engine so make a search on Google...I like this blog...Thanks estetik

  48. Looks like you had a bunch of fun....hard to get yourself "back to the real world" isn't it?? Great photos....very different from Michigan~

  49. Congrats Tara!! Such amazing photos!! ~ Blessings, Tracey

  50. Gorgeous pics, looks like a fabulous vacation!!
    Congrats to Tara!


Thank you so much for stopping by and for your comments...I truly appreciate them :)