Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Decorate to Celebrate #62 - Ghostly Goodies

Happy Wednesday!! It's time for another fun challenge at Decorate to Celebrate!! For Challenge #62, we are asking you to create any project to be used as a party decoration (or party supply) for a Halloween Party or Celebration. Let's celebrate everything wonderful about goblins, bats, scary cats and more with your table decorations, party banners, pennants, yard signs, cupcakes, party favors and more :)

For my Halloween party table I created candle holders. For the one on the left, I used the Tim Holtz Graveyard die and double-sided paper from K & Company. Happy Halloween is from TH's Mini Halloween 1 set. For the one on the left, I used Tim's Apothecary Bottles this die set!! The bottles were cut first in cardboard and then cardstock. The cardstock was inked with Tim Holtz Walnut Distress Ink on the edges and then covered with Mod Podge for shine. Once it was dry, I sprayed Goosebumps Texture Spray for some more texture. The stamp is from TH's Mini Halloween stamp set.

I am entering this in the following challenges:

DL.Art - October Anything Goes Linky
Sunday Funday #14 - Anything Goes
Just B Creative Crazy - October Linky
2 Creative Chicks - Halloween

Now it's your turn!! Head on over to Decorate to Celebrate to see the amazing projects my talented design team sisters have created for today's challenge. Then link up your Halloween Party project...I can't wait to see what you create :)

So, I just returned from vacation where we spent two weeks driving out west, hoping to see wildlife. I come home, and this is what I see from my living room windows!!

Not one, not two, but three bucks...very unusual to see one, let alone three together!! They are still young but beautiful!!

Aren't they gorgeous??!! Then I saw this outside my back window...

There were about eight of them, but I scared the rest off before I could snap a pic :) 


  1. how fun making the candle holder, it looks 'scary' to me.. dark and graveyard ..guess that's what Halloween is all about, as I don't celebrate it here.

  2. Lisa these are creepy creative!! Love them. What a neat idea!!

    Have a fantastic day!!!


  3. Such a fun fun project!!!!!! LOVE them my friend!!!!
    Gorgeous pictures!!! I LOVE seeing the deer in our yard too...We live on a little bit of property and love seeing them come up the path in the back yard. The chickens just stop and watch them too :)
    Such a beautiful sight!
    Thanks for sharing and have a GREAT hump day!
    Thanks for sharing

  4. Super cute and very creative and s-p-o-o-k-y lol love them. Great pictures!!!

  5. Cute candles!!! Beautiful deer pics...they party in our back yard regularly dining on my landscaping....grrr!

  6. these are way too cute and a wonder idea, thank you for providing such great inspiration. hugs

  7. great candle holders! and love the pics of your backyard wildlife!!!

  8. Love the candle holders, especially the jar one, so cute! That is awesome all the wildlife in your yard!

  9. I love your spooky candle holders. Wow, those are some awesome wildlife pictures.

  10. Spooky candleholders, Lisa. I love the bottles by Tim especially. Who knew while you were out chaasing the crazy weather on your vacay, the wildlife were having thier own party at your home.
    Thanks for the great pictures!

  11. Fabulous projects and awesome pics :)

  12. Oh my gosh how gorgeous!! Both the project and those deer! That is such a cute idea for a candle - love the bottles!! Super SPOOKY FUN!

    We are still having warm weather no sign of fall yet :( it makes me a bit sad - I'm ready for sweaters and boots :)
    Have a fabulous day my friend!

  13. Oh wow i just love this!! What a fantastic idea making candle holders they are brilliant!!!

    Have a lovely week :)


  14. love your candle holders, so festive...
    Those animals are adorable.... We have wild turkeys but they are on the higher elevation. Ooh how nice to have those deers outside my window. We don't have them here on the islands because they would eradicate all the native plants. TFS Lisa, enjoy your wonderful day!

  15. My sweetest friend, this post is jam-packed with fabulousness! First I must mention the amazing wildlife pictures... oh my gosh, what an absolute blessing! I want to hug every deer I encounter, so it's a good thing I wasn't there with you. ;) I think since your vacation took some unexpected turns (to put it mildly), the wildlife followed you home! :o) Hehe! I'm so glad you posted those. They gave me warm fuzzies.

    As for your amazing projects, I absolutely love the idea! The candle holders are not only unique, but simply marvelous in design. I've told you a million times, but I'll say it again.. I LOVE that you take the time to add the details, such as the Mod Podge for shine and the goosebumpy texture stuff. Curving the graveyard one is genius and enhances the spooky factor. Spectacular, my friend! And... your blog is GORGEOUS!!!!! I love every inch of it. Pink and brown is a fave color combo, and it clearly works brilliantly for a blog design. Amazingly designed, my super talented friend. Mega kudos to you for your makeover. :o) Every aspect is truly lovely. :o)

    Hugs and blessings!

  16. Cute project, loved your idea:) Nice pictures, I can only imagine how surprised you were to see that in your back yard:) lol

    Peace, Love, & Cricut Hugs!
    Monica L.

  17. Awesome Candle Holder and I love the pictures my friend. Love the new Blog Look too super cute.

  18. Awesome candle holders! They will look amazing on your Halloween party table!! Love the mod podge and texture you added-looks fantastic!
    Wow, love the picture of the deer...we have deer in our yard every once in a while but haven't seen any bucks! I love the wildlife:) TFS!
    LOVE your new blog design! It is perfect-love the hanging charms:)
    Have a great evening!
    Sherrie K

  19. OMG! I love your new look and the pink on her is so beautiful, I love it:) WOW! I love the candle holders so perfect for Halloween and LOL the wildlife come to you huh?? Fantastic pictures:) Once again love the new blog look my friend.

  20. OMG!! This is FABULOUS!!! A BEAUTIFUL and SPOOKY Décor!!!
    LOVE your new blog look!!!
    Have a wonderful day my friend,
    ♥ Crafting With Creative M ♥
    ♥ 2 Creative Chicks Challenges ♥

  21. I think your new blog style looks super! The pics of the deer are terrific, too, and so are your decorated up candles, very festive!!

  22. You sure know how to decorate for fabulous are these!
    Must be pretty exciting to see wildlife just out your window...I live in a concrete

  23. Lisa I do Love the new look of your blog very pretty colors!! Your candle holders are fab, tooo fun. I especially love the bottles,a very cool look my friend :) How wonderful to be able to look out and see deer and turkeys in you yard! A special treat just for you since your trip was'nt all you had hoped for !! Have a great day tomorrow :)

  24. Love the new look of your blog Lisa. Your candle holders are fabulous,love the texture.

  25. Meant to say your pictures are great. How wonderful to see them. We have 3 deer on the golf course and I always feel honoured to see them!

  26. Oh you're such a clever girl - I would never have thought to make wrappers for candles this way! As I'm always very cautious - especially with little kids around the house, I would add a votives or maybe jars for the candles - you know, just to be safe...
    Take care,
    P.S. Your wildlife pictures are great, but just the other morning I had to drive through fog and some of these lovely specimens thought that it was the perfect time to have a walk on the road - well then I wasn't very fond of them :)

  27. Seriously fun project, Lisa! You got me in the party mood, for sure. Love the way you set up your photo, too. How nice to live in the wild! Mother nature at your door step. Watch out for ticks!

  28. Love your candleholders!!!Awesome!!!Wow!love the photos!!!Have not been commenting,computer issues,sometimes I can,some I cannot,Love your work,Have a Blessed week!!!

  29. Love your candleholders, such a great idea. I recently used Goosebumps for the first time and loved it!! Wow your pics are amazing, must be very cool to have that kind of nature right out your window. Are those turkeys??

  30. This is so sweet. I love it.
    Thank you for joining my DL.ART Thankful Thursday linky challenge, Have a great day, my friend. Ps I love the new blog look!
    DIANA L.

  31. The deer are beautiful. As is your daring candles holders. Enjoy the rest of your evening girl.

  32. OH my stars, I would be in heaven if I saw the deer in my yard! How joyful! So very beautiful! ANd your candles - WOW!! Over the top creative and amazing!! I'm tickled to hear about the goosebumps, lol! Sounds like some fun paint! (or spritzer!) :) Hugs!

  33. Fabulous creations! Love the deer!

  34. Wonderful wildlife. Love your projects. Halloween is always so much fun. I am really enjoying the wonderful changes you are making to your blog. Wish I had that kind of talent my sweet friend.
    Super Big Hugs,
    Cindy Lou

  35. Love the new Blog make over Lisa.....looks fabulous. Great Halloween creations, what a wonderful way to dress up the candles and make them look Spooky! OMGosh I really love your wild life and its right at your back cool!

  36. I just love your beautiful wildlife photos! Great Halloween creations too!

  37. The candle holders look great! The new blog design is lovely too. I'm amazed at the beautiful nature in your backyard too.

    Best crafty wishes!
    Staying Crafty

  38. Those candle holders look amazing - what a fabulous way to decorate for Halloween. Love the photos, hey next time you could have a stay-cation :-) Fabulous new look to the blog, Lisa. Have a wonderful weekend.

  39. OMG!!! Love the new look! I can't believe I missed this earlier! Love, it. So enchanting!!


  40. Love these candle wrap arounds...very, cleaver, and what a wonderful décor piece!! Wow...3 bucks all together is unusual..wonderful photo's. We have lived here 19 years, on 11 acres, and I think I have seen a buck twice!! Have a happy, creative week-end my friend!!

  41. Oh, just wanted to add, I LOVE your new blog make over, looks wonderful!!

  42. Loving the new blog look. What cute candle wraps. The pics of the deer are beautiful. Wish I lived in the country I sure miss it.

    Have a creative day.
    Hugs Nana
    ♥ My Crafting Channel ♥
    ♥ 2 Creative Chicks ♥
    ♥ Silhouette Challenges ♥

  43. Your candle holders are fabulous! I love the new blog look and the beautiful pic!!! TFS! Have a great weekend. Gerda

  44. Digging those candle holders!! Perfect to display in a window on Halloween!

    The deer are so cute!

  45. I love these candle holders! So cute! Amazing photos of the deer too!

  46. Those candle holders are sooo cool! You have the best dies and know how to use them perfectly! The deer are gorgeous- what a beautiful sight. It's been a long time since I've seen any person.

  47. Great projects! They are super fun! Thanks for sharing such fun pics! I see roadrunners, lizards, scorpions and frogs.... ahhh to live in the desert! Carri~Abusybee

  48. GREAT job with your AWESOME Halloween candle holders and great pics too!!!! :)


Thank you so much for stopping by and for your comments...I truly appreciate them :)