Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Oh Come Let Us Adore Him

Happy Tuesday!! I hope you are having a wonderful week!! How are your Christmas preparations coming along?? I'm still so far behind :( But I do have a card to share with you today :)

I have a few Christmas cards to post in the next week or so, starting with this one. Sorry the picture is a bit dark...I took it a few weeks ago and sent it already before realizing the settings weren't correct :/ The base and layers are Spellbinders Card Creator Dies A & B. The top layer was embossed with a Tim Holtz Sheet Music Texture Fade Embossing Folder. The sentiment is from My Craft Spot's Joy Filled Christmas set, stamped with TH Festive Berries Distress Ink on a Spellbinders Ribbon Banner die.

The wings are a TH Layered Angel Wings die, embossed with the matching TH Wings Embossing Folder. Each layer was popped up with foam tape for dimension.

The angel on the inside is from TH's Joyful Song stamp set. The sentiment is from the same My Craft Spot Joy Filled Christmas set.

I am entering this in the following challenges:
  1. Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge - Stamp it Up 2013
  2. Craftin Desert Divas - Christmas
  3. DL.Art - Christmas
  4. DL.Art - December Linky
  5. Sunday Funday - December Linky
  6. Just B Creative Crazy - December Linky
  7. 2 Creative Chicks - Christmas/Winter

I was looking out my window the other day and saw this guy scrounging around in the snow...in daylight!!

I hurried outside with my camera and scared the poor little guy up a tree!!

But I was able to get some close-up shots of him!!

He stopped to pose for me :)

Look at those daggers!! His claws are deadly...I'm glad he scurried up a tree instead of at me!!

Please be sure to stop by Craftin Desert Divas tomorrow for the winners of the Holly Jolly Blog Hop!! Thanks so much for stopping by!! Happy holiday season my friends :)


  1. Gorgeous~Gorgeous~Gorgeous!!!! Wow, Lisa, this is stunning...jotting down the die and EB folder to add to my list of must haves.....I bet your little guy was looking for food.....I think it is going to be a long winter..ugh!!
    Stay warm, I know there is more cold coming your way, too!!

  2. love the dimensions you created using the foam tape. Beautiful white card!

  3. Oooooh, pretty card Lisa. I love the wings and layers. I also like your pics of your friend, Mr. Opossum! His pink little nose, paws, and that ugly tail, not one of Our Lord's cutest critters, but I guess even the creepiest creatures need love, too! Take care and have a happy holiday season.



  4. Oh Lisa I just love the Angel wing card.It is stunning and the sentiment, makes me just want to do that. Your little critter looks like he wants to give you a hug.
    Thank you for joining my DL.ART Thankful Thursday Anything Goes December Linky Party. Have a great day
    DIANA L.

  5. Classy and elegant card!

    P/s: Great photos of the little guy!

  6. Stunning card, but I just love the opossum! We have just about all our shopping done except for a stocking stuffer or two. Only a few more days of school and then two weeks off.

  7. I love your beautiful Angel wings card! I still have shopping to do for Christmas but I did bake four different cookies ALL day, my hubby was so happy when he came home from work!

  8. Love your Card, I have a thing for Angels and Wings absolutely love them. If I wasn't scared of needles definitely would have gotten a tattoo. Super Cool Pictures too.

  9. Your card is beautiful as always...love the wihite on white....
    Aw that fella is just the cutest opossum, I wish we had them cruising here on the island...

  10. What a STUNNING card Lisa! Wow, it is just beautiful:) The wings are incredible and the embossing along with the sentiment are just perfect!

    Okay, I think I would be freaked out if that little guy was hanging around my place....the pictures are amazing! Wow, looks like you got super close. Very cool-thanks for sharing!
    Have a great night my friend!
    Sherrie K

  11. Beautiful card!!! Great pics of the possum!!

  12. Ethereal beautiful wings on your stunning angel card. How sweet your photos are of the little possum with the very sharp claws. Glad he ran up the tree instead of your leg. Creative Joy Dear...

  13. Oh LIsa, your photography is positively stunning! I'm in such awe of your work - you should be published, girl! This is serious magazine quality shots! He's a cutie, daggers and all but yes, glad you are safe :) Your card is absolutely breahttaking! What a lovely reminder that HE is what it's all about :) Blessings! I've missed your blog, my friend! 0x0x

  14. WOW!! I just LOVE your card!!! The white on white is awesome!!! Such a stunning creation!!!!
    What gorgeous pictures of that cutie....Thanks for sharing and your shots of him are awesome!!
    Have a great night!!!

  15. This card is Stunning Lisa....love white on white, so so pretty! WoW you are also a very talented photographer. Beautiful work!

  16. Hi Hun oh this card is just amazing wow!!! It's so elegant and pretty :) that little guy looks really sweet however if I saw him I think I would be scared after seeing them claws ha ha

    Have a lovely day


    Vic x

  17. The card is so beautiful and I really love how you have layered up those wings ... cute critter in your back garden ... as long as it stays just there and comes no further xx

  18. Completely gorgeous project. Loved the critter photos too. CUTE! Thanks for linking up at Craftin Desert Divas! ~DT Janis

  19. Lisa!!! This is honestly one of my favorite Christmas cards this season that I've seen ANYWHERE…it's just gorgeous and so thought provoking! I love it…
    On to your Opossum…although I think these guys are creepy…your photos make him sorta cute…*did I just say that?!* Thanks for sharing sweet friend. Merry Christmas to you from North Carolina!

  20. Oh I just love white on white cards and your's is just fab with that little touch of red!

  21. Such a classy WoW card, and evocative of the true meaning of the season. TFS & also sharing the pictures of your little critter! Those claws did look lethal. Merry Christmas & Hugs

  22. Your card is so pretty and elegant. Love the white on white look:)

    Peace, Love, & Cricut Hugs!
    Monica L.

  23. Wow, this is stunning Lisa!
    Merry Christmas

  24. I am so in love with the white on white look right now and your card is gorgeous! The dimension is great!
    Keep the 'possum in your yard, please.
    Happiest of Christmases to you, Lisa!

  25. This is such a beautiful creation Lisa !!! The white on white , with all the texture is stunning !!! Happy Holidays !!!


  26. Awwww absolutely beautiful - love it my friend tfs!!!

  27. My sweetest friend, this card so perfectly celebrates the true meaning of Christmas. Not only so, but it is so beautifully designed and completely unique! How do you always come up with such inspiring ideas? :o) The wings are extraordinary! Layering them makes them even more realistic, like they're reaching out to envelop us in a heavenly embrace from our dear Savior. The musical background is gorgeous. The red sentiment against the pristine white card is glorious and also makes me think how perfect this design would also be for Easter! The interior angel and sentiment are equally marvelous. This is yet another masterpiece, my talented friend. You and your opossum friend have brought smiles to my heart tonight! (Still in love with those photos, by the way!)

    Hugs and blessings!

  28. Your card is so, so pretty, Lisa! I love all the white with the red sentiment. Your pictures are great too! Usually opossums really gross me out but your pictures make him look sweet (besides the close up of his claws) ;) Have a great night!


  29. Your cards is sooo soft and pretty. Merry Christmas my friend. thanks for shring the pics of your new friend too :)

  30. Hello dear friend:) OK, WOW! this is a BEAUTIFUL card I LOVE LOVE the all white and the sentiment is so perfect! BTW great crisp pictures, he was definitely posing for you:) :) I'm sorry I haven't stopped by but I've been a busy bee planning my son's 9th birthday for this Saturday! Thank you for always stopping by and your sweet appreciated comments:) Happy Holidays!!
    Big Hugs,

  31. Stunning card Lisa! --- Great pictures of the opossum. I occasionally have one cross my back porch (in the day time) and I really didn't think he was cute but your pictures of him sure do put them in a different light. Hope you have a very merry Christmas.

  32. gorgeous card!!! love the white on white!

    and your opossum is soooo cute! i saw my first one the other day too! love that i can see all kinds of creatures now!

  33. Oh my goodness - this card is fabulous and love all the depth! That creature looks amazing, what a fabulous photographer you are! TFS

  34. WOW!! White on white!!! BEAUTIFUL and STUNNING!!
    Your pictures are wonderful ,even on the critter..opossum..
    Have a wonderful day,
    ♥ Crafting With Creative M ♥
    ♥ 2 Creative Chicks Challenge Blog ♥

  35. Gorgeous card!! I love the elegance of white on white!!

    Great pics of the opossum!!

  36. Lisa,
    You make alot of beautiful cards, but has to be one of the most stunning cards I have seen!! It is so gorgeous in it's simplicity. love all the dimension and embossing. Also love the pics of the possum, they are amazing!! We have possums in our yard too. A few times they had babies in our yard and our poodle would always bring the babies to our porch!! Needless to say, they stopped having babies in our yard, I guess our 5 dogs scared them away :)

  37. This is a special beauty, Lisa! Love the white on white and all the texture. As for the critter, ick! Thanks for the beautiful card - I will treasure it. Merry Christmas you sweet gal!

  38. beautiful card, I just love the simplicity of it all white and texture.

  39. Lisa this card is so beautiful!! Love the picture too. Fabulous photography!

  40. OH my look at this little guy! Ahh they would be cut if they weren't so kind of....creepy!!! ;) Your card is just stunning, I love the white on white!!

  41. Jaw dropping gorgeous!

    What awesome pictures you captured. Those claws are down right scary though! Eek!

  42. Fabulous photos of that little guy! And your card is gorgeous! All the white is perfect together with the wings and the dry embossing. Thank you so much for sharing with us at Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge Blog! Merry Christmas!

  43. What a fantastic card. Love it. Your Possum pictures are great as well. I am glad that he went up the tree too instead of at you.

  44. This card is a stunner! Love the white on white,embossing and dimension.
    Fab piccies...just wondered what the cutie is?

  45. Thank you for linking up in the 2 Creative Chicks December Challenge.
    A great card!!
    GDT 2 at Creative Chicks


Thank you so much for stopping by and for your comments...I truly appreciate them :)