Monday, March 9, 2015


Happy Monday!! I hope you had a wonderful weekend!! It's my turn to post on the Die-Versions blog and I have a couple of cards to share with you today.

The papers for this card are from the We R Memory Keepers Anthologie stack. I used a Whispers Heart Burst die to cut out the window in the card. I love the scalloped edge it I have a die to use for another project :) When I was putting the card together, I had cut a couple of the Whispers Hexagon Background dies to use for the background, thinking I would just use one on each card. But I tossed one down over the other and loved the design!! It completely changed the look of the hexagons. So I glued two together and adhered them to the card.

The butterflies are Whispers Pretty Wings dies. I cut it twice and adhered them together and then popped them up with foam tape. Celebrate is a Sweet Wordlet die. A Wee Petite Button die was used on the ribbon. The flowers are from Wild Orchid Crafts.

I am entering this in the following challenges:

1) DL.Art - March Linky
2) Little Scrap Pieces - Show It Off Saturday
3) Craft It Up And Link it Up - Green

Thanks so much for stopping by!! Have a wonderful week :)


  1. So beautiful Lisa!! Lovely and very romantic :) Hugs xx Lady E

  2. Now the hexagons look like lace; great happy accident. Love the look of your cards Lisa.

  3. So delicate and lovely! I love how you doubled up those hexagons, Lisa. Stunning cards! What a great way to start a Monday. Have a happy day today. xx Donna K

  4. wowser, Lisa! The colors completely change the feel of your card! They are beautiful, and I love that you show different colors when making multiple cards using the same layout. Hope your week is a fantastic one! hugs, de

  5. These are so pretty!! I have a green linky party, come over and link up. Hope you have a great week my friend!!

  6. So STUNNING my friend! I love them both:) THe colors are fabulous and the dies are awesome! I think I need to go shopping!! The hexagon die is so fun and gives it such a fun whimsical feel and then the butterfly just finishes so beautifully! I love everything about it Lisa! Great job as always~
    The weekend went fast as always, ugh! The weather was pretty nice~in the 30's! They are saying it's gonna possibly reach the 40's this week...yeah! I am pretty ready for spring to get here! I start watching little Lacy 4 days a week full time starting today so it's perfect timing! So much easier if I have to take her out:)
    Hugs~Have a great might want to stalk your mailman today :)
    Sherrie K

  7. Wow! I would have never thought of layering two of the Hexagon Background dies together but it turned out absolutely gorgeous! It gives it a floral background! Both of your cards are beautiful! You always do such amazing work!

  8. Gorgeous Lisa, I love your butterflies!!! I need to get that Die, Have an awesome day!

  9. As stunning as ever Lisa! How do you manage to get so many beautiful creations made when they must take you hours!! Have a great week! Hazel xx

  10. Very bee-utiful w/ the open window cut, 2 hexagon pieces, butterfly, bow & so much more. Like the distressing on the edges.
    "Sunshine HoneyBee"

  11. So pretty with all those intricate die cuts! I love that ribbon too!, hope it starts to warm up in your neck of the woods too and gets rid of your lingering snow! I am sure we're not done with that white stuff just yet.

  12. Beautiful and so full of is as if the butterflies are about to fly off the cards!

    BTW, after seeing your posts with the chicken wire die, I finally bought one on Saturday. Thanks for the inspiration!

  13. Wow, Lisa, these are soooo beautiful! Your die collection is amazing! These are so pretty, love the colours and the wonderful flowers!

  14. Stunning!! Those butterflies are so delicate and beautiful and the background...I need to get me some dies!!

  15. Absolutely GORGEOUS! I love these new beautiful and the depth is fabulous! Hugs, Robin

  16. Oh, the colors are just gorgeous and love the lacy dies!!

  17. Wow absolutely beautiful - love the flowers and butterfly and gorgeous bow another great creation thanks for sharing!!!

  18. WOW girl , these are a-mazing!!!!

  19. Wow Lisa!! Stunning cards, love these intricate diecuts and your design is so beautiful!!

  20. Such amazing cards Lisa!
    What a treat it is for us!!
    Thank You!

  21. Wow Lisa, these cards are just stunningly gorgeous! I love the dies you used and of course your signature flowers are amazing as always. That lacy butterfly is so pretty. Love all the color choices of these cards too. Hugs, Brenda

  22. Your cards are beyond AMAZING Lisa!!! WOW loving the paper choices, those FAB dies and all your embellishments!
    AWESOME job my friend!

  23. WOW all 3 are stunning. Love the lace die cuts. My favorite is the RED!!! It is amazing. Just as you are.
    Have a creative day.
    Hugs Nana
    ♥ My Crafting Channel ♥
    ♥ Nana's Rag Quilts ♥
    ♥ 2 Creative Chicks ♥
    ♥ Silhouette Challenges ♥

  24. Wow! I never thought of making more than one card! duh! How lovely!

  25. Oh Lisa, these cards are so delightful! I love the beautiful colors and the gorgeous and detailed butterflies - that must have taken forever to assemble! Beauitufl work, as always! Blessings! ♥

  26. oh wow beautiful as always so much details. love it so much. hugs friend

  27. Those are stunning, like the way you did the butterflies and the flowers are beautiful too!

  28. Lisa, all of these are just dreamy looking and so beautiful! I can't even pick a favorite. Lovely, lovely cards.

  29. GORGEOUS!! Love those butterflies!

  30. Lisa, your cards are beautiful. I love the green. Gorgeous flowers and butterflies.

  31. Beautiful colors and those butterflies are so elegant and delicate! Love your gorgeous flower embellishments as well.

  32. These are all simply stunning my friend you are going to rock the craft fair. Your work is so unique and elegant I love all these cards
    Thank you for joining my DL.ART Thankful Thursday Anything Goes MARCH Linky Party. Have a blessed day
    DIANA L.

  33. So beautiful! The elements on these cards are simply gorgeous. I love the I love the light, lacy look you created, so very elegant. They are both amazing my friend!

  34. Each of these cards is so awesome in look. The double up of the hexagon pattern was inspired. Made me think of vintage tatted lace, and sparking that butterfly in the same pattern on top of the mesh-lace look...pure genius. It really soared right out of the park. Loving all the colors, the embellies, and lush look of those flowing bows with the pretty florals. Great work! TFS & Hugs

  35. Stunningly gorgeous cards love them all Lisa. These colours are beautiful as are all the added beauties. Love the butterflyxxx
    {The Journey is the Start – my personal blog}

  36. Very beautiful cards. The lacy butterfly is just gorgeous! Both of your cards look so elegant with the intricate dies. Simply gorgeous creations!

  37. They are just lovely! The red really stands out, beautiful! I love the die cuts.

  38. Beautiful butterfly. Both cards are gorgeous, but I am especially drawn to the green one.

  39. Wow Lisa! Super beautiful! Love the gorgeous lacy pieces and all the layers! Love all the pretty blossoms!

  40. Stunning.....breath taking beautiful!! I have been buying dies because of you my friend...these are fabulous!!! Hope you are having a creative week and getting lots done for your show, I wish I could attend...when and where is it, I don't think I am that far away!! Wouldn't hat be fun!!

  41. Oh wow - these are so elegant and beautiful! Love those die cuts - gorgeous! TFS

  42. Absolutely gorgeous Lisa!! The dies are great BUT you used them to create real beauty. I love the layered butterflies, it makes them looks so lacy and give fabulous dimension to your cards! The bows, distressing and flowers and are amazing ;)

  43. WOW What a beautiful cards!!! Love the fabuous butterflies!!! Have a great day.

  44. Love both cards my friend, I love the intricate butterflies:) I hope you are off to a great week!

  45. Just gorgeous!! Those doily lacy butterflies are stunning!

  46. your cards are so beautiful! Can not pick are a master!!
    Thank you so much for visiting my blog and commenting on the passing of my grandfather. Thanks for the sympathy and uplifting words!
    I am doing OK!
    hugs from California

  47. Lisa, these are just gorgeous. I love both color combinations... stunning!

  48. Oh My, these are both so fabulous. Love the design in both and the colors are amazing. Great flowers and the butterfly die cuts are so stunning.

  49. Your cards are beautiful.
    Love the die cuts so detailed and intricate.

  50. Lisa , I fall in love with every single stunning card you create !!!! These are magnificent !!!!!

  51. Well my friend, you, diecuts and flowers are a winning combination. Gorgeous cards!

  52. How beautifully created- love the delicate dies and your beautiful bow!

  53. What a pretty butterfly die Lisa - the red card is my favourite as it is stunning - :)

  54. hey lisa ...I come again here to this post...
    your 1st card (all in green) could work for the blog hop that we are having with with lost Coast designs! but too bad that there is no LCD stamps in here :(
    thanks for visiting

  55. So lacy and delicate. I love the window and the pattern of the lacy butterfly

  56. Lisa these are just scrumptious. Loving the red and a green versions and the lovely shabby chic feel which you master so beautifully.
    {Doing Life – my personal blog}

  57. These cards are just beautiful. The butterflies are the most gorgeous I've ever seen.

  58. WOW!! They are ALL absolutely STUNNING!! The flowers & ribbons are just GORGEOUS!!
    and you know how much I ADORE the Beautiful butterflies!
    They are AMAZING just like YOU my friend!!
    Have a wonderful day my fabulous friend,
    Crafting With Creative M

  59. I do so love butterflies and these lacey winged beauties are breathtaking. Gorgeous cards dear...

  60. I really enjoy visiting to see your beautiful works of art Lisa.....stunning cards. Have a great week!

  61. These are both fabulous! I have to say, I love the red one the best :-).

  62. These are so beautiful, Lisa! The butterflies are gorgeous and I love those pretty flowers!! The papers you used are perfect and I really like the bows! :)


  63. These are beautiful cards Lisa!! I love how you add the ribbon to your cards and the flowers are gorgeous too! Thanks for linking the green card up with the Craftin Desert Divas "Use Lots of Green" linky party!!
    CDD dt

  64. Gorgeous cards Lisa! I adore your cards that have gorgeous flowers everywhere with a beautiful bow! Something about the way you lay out the flowers and arrange them make them look so gathered and perfect and your bows are always perfect! These cards are gorgeous as they capture sheer beauty and elegance. Love!

  65. such beautiful intricate dies! soooooooooooooo GORGEOUS!

  66. Gorgeous! Love the dies, colors, ribbon, flowers, EVERYTHING!

  67. Gorgeous! You are so talented with all your dies, ribbons, colors!

  68. These are gorgeous!! The hexagons look like flowers when layered like that! Such a beautiful spring design and I absolutely love the butterflies :)

  69. OMGOSH! AMAZING! Those are just so BEAUTIFUL Lisa! You know I love it when you add flowers... they just make all of your cards stand out! :)



Thank you so much for stopping by and for your comments...I truly appreciate them :)