Friday, June 19, 2015

No Regrets Steampunk Canvas

Happy Friday!! I hope you are having a wonderful week!! Here's a shocker - I'm actually posting and it's not for a DT commitment!! I actually had some time in my craft room...I used it as a distraction so I didn't itch myself to death. I helped my sister cut down a tree last weekend and we stacked and stacked and stacked wood. Apparently, it was covered in some kind of poison because I'm now covered in some kind of poison. I don't get poison ivy so it must be oak or sumac. I have never had anything like this. I'm a red, splotchy, oozy, itchy mess. My face, my neck, my arms, legs, back, you name it. I just ran and hid from the mailman and he was bringing me goodies from Scrapy Land - that's how bad it is!! Fun way to start summer, huh??!! :)

So anyhoo, on to my project. My sweet and amazingly talented friend Pamellia of My Little Crafty Things has started an awesome mixed media challenge blog, Anything But Cute. I haven't used my mixed media supplies in so long and I've been wanting to join in. I was afraid my supplies would be dried up from non-use but thankfully, they were not :) I hoped to participate in the last one and the theme was my favorite - secret garden. I started a project but was so busy, I didn't get to finish. The theme this month was challenging for me - masculine. You know how much I love my flowers!! But I was so inspired by my sweet and amazingly talented friend Samra of Paper Talk With Samra and her fabulous Steampunk Frame, I had to pull out all of my gear dies and get to work!!

To start, I adhered crumpled tissue paper to a 5x7 frame with Claudine Hellmuth's Multi Medium. I cut the Memory Box Gear Assembly die in cardboard and adhered it to the top left corner with Multi Medium. I then covered everything with gesso and let it dry.

I applied Wendy Vecchi Crackled Texture Paste through a Crafter's Workshop Harlequin Stencil on several places on the canvas. Once it dried and cracked, I covered the entire canvas with Burnt Umber acrylic paint and let set for a bit. Then I took a baby wipe and removed most of the color, leaving enough to highlight the texture and cracks. I rubbed Inka-Gold Metallic Rub in silver over all of the raised area. I cut more of the Memory Box Gear Assembly with a Silver Foil Engraving Blank from Royal Langnickel and then sanded off the black coating. I cut the gears apart and adhered them around the canvas and matched a few up with the original set I pasted to the canvas.

I added gears to the Frantic Stamper Geared Butterfly, a punched butterfly and a Memory Box Isabella die. All of the butterflies were cut with the RL Silver Foil and sanded. I cut a Tim Holtz Mixed Media die in Ranger Silver Foil Tape Sheet and adhered it behind the TH Idea-ology Ornate Plate. This moment, no regrets and the arrow are all TH Remnant Rubs.

Live the Life You've Imagined, the arrow, the game spinner and the metal flower are all TH products, covered with Inka-Gold silver rub. Happy is a Poppystamps Vintage Happy Birthday die. It was cut with Ranger Foil and lightly outlined with a charcoal pencil.

I am entering this in the following challenges:

1. Anything But Cute - Masculine
2. DL.Art - June Linky
3. DL.Art - Thankful Thursday - Man or Boy 
4. Simon Says Stamp Wednesday Challenge - Favorite Technique
5. My Sheri Crafts Challenge #159 - Masculine
6. Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge - Don't Cut, Just Paste
7. Decorate to Celebrate - Anything Goes - Not Cards
8. Die Cutting Divas - Masculine with a Die Cut
9. Inky Chicks - Butterflies

Thanks so much for stopping by!! Have a wonderful weekend :)


  1. My Gosh FABULOUS!!! The detail is amazing!!

  2. Great canvas, Lisa. I haven't ever tried any of the Steampunk styled cards or canvases.Also, sorry to hear of your splotchy, itchy, oozy self. I can imagine your discomfort, and hope you feel better soon. Get out the Benadryl lotion and swab it on liberally. Take care, and TFS.

  3. Wow love your Steampunk Canvas - great job as always - love the embellies and details of your project - great job. Have a fabulous weekend!!!

  4. Like the mixed media and variety of gears used. My hubby had poison ivy. We found that anti-itch cream that CVS has of the CVS brand has the same % of the solution that a more costly name brand has and it works. Hope you recover soon.
    "Sunshine HoneyBee"

  5. Love your funky canvas steampunk project.... It's really stylish!

  6. First of all I hope that you recover fast from your allergic reaction to what ever that mean tree was! Second of all, BIG THANK YOU for the shout out! Third of all, I am happy that you found inspiration in the frame I made for the challenge and thank you so much for joining us at Anything But Cute!!! It is such an honor to have you join in the fun!!! Your canvas is absolutely breathtaking!!! I kept "studying" it and can't get enough of this beauty!!! BRAVO!!! This is one crafting steampunk gem!

    1. Lisa, did you see our latest post at Anything But Cute??

  7. Wow Lisa, what a stunning canvas, I love all the cogs and those stunning butterflies
    Kevin xx

  8. Lisa this is stunning and very masculine! Love all the gears and all the different textures you used on the canvas! Love how the stenciled part looks like tiles! Just amazing! I sure do hope you feel better soon! Poison Ivy stinks! All you want to do is scratch!! Hope it goes away fast!! Take care!

  9. So gorgeous! I love it. Such an amazing project!! So sorry that you are so itchy. I know it is not fun to have all that. Hugs, Robin

  10. Wow, wow, wow! This is absolutely beautiful! So different than your usual style but still has the Lisa touch! I wouldn't even know where to begin! Wonderful canvas! And I am soooo sorry to read about your itchy rash. I've had a number of allergic reactions to medications where I would end up with hives that turn into a rash - it covered every part of my body right down to the soles of my feet - sheer torture. Not much helped but I found a bit of relief with Calomine Lotion, Benadryl, aloe vera, anti-itch creams, tar baths, etc. I know how you must be suffering! I found it so hard to sleep too because it was so incredibly itchy - yet sore and raw at the same time. Felt like bugs crawling over my body. Mine were allergies and I had to let them run their course - they always seemed to take around 2 weeks - I hope yours heals much quicker than that. Sending hugs and I hope you find something to provide some relief.

  11. That so sucks about your skin! I hope it stops itching soon!

    Your mixed media project is beyond awesome! I am glad you zoomed in on all of the cool details!

  12. Awesome job, Lisa! Love the gears and the mixed media! Sorry to hear you got yourself in something your body didn't like. Benadryl can be a life saver. My grandkids are suffering with bug bites! Hooe you heal quickly!

  13. I hope you feel better soon Lisa. That sounds awful!
    Your canvas on the other hand is AMAZING!
    Love that steam punk style in your hands!

  14. This is amazing Lisa, so cool. I really hope you get less itchy quickly. I know how frustrating it can be.

  15. Wow, that is a great project. Thanks for joining us at Die Cuttin' Divas this week.


  16. Oh, well done, Lisa! This is sheer heaven to a gearhead!! You really did more than ROCK the masculine challenge!! I hope you find some medication or ointment to relieve your suffering soon. That's just awful. Hugs, Darnell

  17. Ciao Lisa, bellissimo questo lavoro, bello bello bello adoro questo stile e tu lo hai reso al massimo.
    Ti auguro un buon fine settimana
    Ciao a.

  18. Wow Lisa.....amazing! Love the canvas, specially the little bobin tucked in there!

  19. Oh my sweet friend, I hope you quit itching and heal soon that does not sound very pleasant. The happy note is you produced a most excellent piece of art work for all of us to enjoy. I love all the gears and the colors are great, works wonderfully as a guy glad you could make this to keep your mind off the allergic reaction. Putting ice on it also helps take the inflammation out
    thanks for joining my DL.ART THANKFUL THURSDAY CHALLENGE. Have a blessed day DIANA L.

  20. Wow Lisa, you have really made my day today!! I am completely swooning over this canvas! I keep scrolling back up to look at it again and again, and I find something new to ooh and aah at every time!! The colours, the layout, that freaking amazing butterfly, the metallic accents, the texture...I am drooling over here big time!! Thank you so much for your kind words about me and my blog, and I agree with you about Samra, she is such an inspiration, but then, so are you!

    I am so thrilled and honoured you have joined us at Anything But Cute for our 'Make It Masculine' challenge, you hit a home run with this one! Hugs, Pamellia DT :)

  21. Awesome creation! Hope you feel better. I have a little bit of poison ivy on my arm right now, but nothing like what you have.

  22. What an amazing project! Love all the details. Sorry to hear about the itchy rash. Hope it goes away quickly, so you can enjoy the rest of your summer!

  23. Oh, OMG, I am totally blown away by this stunning piece of art! Love all the fantastic details! Absolutely breathtaking steampunk canvas! I am completely in love with this!
    Thank you so much for joining in our 'Make It Masculine' challenge at Anything But Cute!
    Branka DT x

  24. Awesome and sensational!!! Lisa, this is just stunning with so many details. Love the way you put it all together.
    Oh my goodness on the rash mess! Yikes!!! Take care and hope you get over it soon.

  25. Oh my word....I am SO sorry about the rash! Man, that stinks and I am sure it is just miserable! I hope it settles down for you real soon~might need a cocktail or two..hehe! Hugs my friend!

    Your project is so amazing Lisa! I LOVE the color tones and the fabulous details! I wish I had the time to sit and dabble with mixed media! It is so cool and I just love the end results:) It is definitely a masterpiece and work of art! Beautifully done!
    Sherrie K

  26. Amazing mixed media project! Love the colors and each detail you added, it is simply beautiful! Hope you are feeling better really soon and can enjoy your weekend!

  27. Oh, Lisa, I'm very sorry for your healt!! I hope you feel better soon!!!
    Perhaps you are allergic to the tannin (in the oak there is so much of it, and it is used for dyeing fabric and also to make the wine)
    Your mixed media is just fabulous!! Very different from you and so wonderful as well! Love the sentiment and the arrow and all these gears! You made a lot of work for this awesome project! Very beautiful!

  28. Oh Lisa, I'm so sorry about your poison!! Reading this gave me a terrible flashback. lol I helped my dad take some trees down and had the same thing happen to me when I was about 16/17. Was covered head to toe with poison, eyes swelled shut and everything. I always had to go to the doctors to get meds because I was so allergic to it. Now at the ripe age of 55, I haven't had poison in years-knock on wood!!! lol I love, love, love your canvas! It is so masculine, but yet had a touch of femininity to it with the butterflies. Or is it just the steampunk look?! I'm so bad with steampunk. lol But I do love this canvas! Glad you got time to do something other than DT projects. I haven't been in my room since I did the wedding goodies. But hoping to make it back there soon to make some Father's day cards. Hugs, Brenda

  29. I hope you're feeling better soon. Fabulous steampunk canvas! I've always wanted to make one but didn't know where to start. I would love if you'd make a video of your process, I'd love to watch this project come together.

  30. Oh Lisa, I hope you recover soon and you have some good medicine to put on, that sounds painful. I am happy you were able to spend some time just for fun in your craft room. I would never have known you made this. It is so unlike what I see when I visit here! It is a wonderful guy canvas and I love the look of it. The gears and embellishments look like steel. Great job!

  31. Looks great! I really like how you wrapped the gears around the sides of the canvas.

  32. Wow Lisa! Stunning project Lisa! Love all the gears and texture! Fabulous! Thanks for the inspiration!

  33. Love this!!!
    Thank you for joining us at Decorate to Celebrate!
    The Leaf Studio

  34. Oh noooo LISA!! I'm sooo sorry to hear about your rash or poison ivy or allergic reaction.... I think it was an allergic reaction to that dang wood!!! How horrible for you... I can only imagine how you must feel with all those red spots all over you! I hope it goes away super quick!! :) I'm glad you found some time to play in your craft room and make something just for FUN!! I gotta say.. this is some very COOL GRUNGE Work!!! LOVE the details with those gears!!! I've never seen butterflies look so freakin' COOL!!! This really is a work of Art! I seriously LOVE the Design!! Feel Better My Friend! Have a crafty day! :)

    Scrappers Anonymous

  35. Absolutely stunning art Lisa. Adore the variety of gears and the lush natural tones.
    {Doing Life – my personal blog}

  36. hello Lisa! wow, what gorgeous details....luv looking at much fun and depth! I am so glad you joined us for the Simon Says Stamp Wednesday Challenge!

    sparkle & shine *~*

  37. This looks like it took a lot of time make! All the detailing, WOW! So sorry to hear about your reaction to the tree! :( I hope the itching etc goes away quickly for you! Thanks for participating at My Sherri Crafts! :)

  38. This is wonderful ! Wow , Lisa it looks fantastic ! I love the design and the masculine theme ! I hope your rash goes away asap !
    Sending hugs,

  39. Love love love this Lisa. Hope the itchies go away soon. Go to the doctor if it doesn't clear up in a day or two.

  40. Wow, this is great! Super job! Thanks for joining is at My Sheri Crafts!

  41. Oh my poor, sweet friend! I hope your rash is better by the time you read this! I've never had the misfortune of getting into poison oak or ivy but I know it must be miserable. Good thing you have such a fabulous hobby to keep you somewhat distracted :)

    Now about this amazing project of yours! I am awed by how fabulous this is. Those gears are amazing and perfect for a masculine theme. Your layers and inking add so much depth and dimension to the canvas and all the metal just pops against that background. This must have taken hours to put together, but so worth every minute!

    Hope you enjoy the rest of your weekend ....don't scratch!

  42. This piece is incredible! And wow- now you can say that not even poison can keep you down! Way to rise above red-splothcy-ickiness to crank out a beautiful piece. I'm so impressed at how much depth and dimension you created and I love the metallic elements. There were so many components that went into this and you combined them all seamlessly. Kudos on a job well done and I hope that you get feeling better soon. Thanks for sharing your talents with us here at the Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge Blog!

  43. First off, I hope you feel better soon. This sounds awful.
    I love love your art piece.
    I love the look of steampunk and vintage.
    One of my favourite pieces is your use of the sewing machine bobbin.

  44. My sweetest friend, there just isn't time enough to tell you how spectacular this is... it appears as though a billion people already have, though! ;) Only you could go years without full-blown mixed media and make it look as though you frolic in it every day. Reading through your post was like being in a class.. so much to learn and appreciate. The design itself is fabulous, made extraordinary with you layering, inking, etc. How I wish I was there with you when you made it so I could learn how to be brilliant. :o) The butterflies are beyond words and the sentiments are completely amazing. This is a true masterpiece and leaves me wondering how you can craft with such precision and perfection. Inspiring as ever, my dearest friend! I so long to play along with our sweet friend Pamellia... I wonder if I ever will! Lots of healing hugs coming your way!

    Hugs and blessings,

  45. Poor you with the itchies! I hope you have something that will soothe it for you, while you heal. I can imagine the misery - oh my. What an interesting mix of items on this cool canvas project. Love the combination of the gears, butterfly - the words, arrows, spinner & of course the metal sewing bobbin. All of the embellies worked to add so much visual & textural impact. At least while you were creating, hopefully you weren't thinking of itch & scratch. Big hugs, TFS & I hope this rash goes away - LIKE FAST!

  46. Lisa this is fantastic!!!! I absolutely LOVE your background... love all that delicious color and texture! Amazing my friend! And I hope you get rid of that itching and heal quickly!! Saying prayers for you!

  47. I hope you get itchy relief soon and it doesn't spread too. Sending you healing thoughts! Your steampunk project rocks…you work magic with each and every project, my friend!

  48. oh WOW! i have no words for how amazing this turned out!!! hope you feel better quick!

  49. I hope you feeling better soon!!!!!!!
    WOW, Lisa!!!! What a awesome project!!!!!
    Have a great day.

  50. Lisa this is awesome!! You are so amazing!! So sorry about your itchiness and sores. Just don't scratch!!

  51. WoW!!!! This is amazing, what a gorgeous piece of art Lisa! I just think anything you touch turns into a masterpiece!

    Oh my goodness you poor thing! I hope you feel better, being itchy is no fun! Well, I made it through another school year and now the baby is off to 6th grade! I can't believe it! It sure has been busy with end of year parties, and events. I'm really glad summer is here and June gloom has finally left us and I hope for good :)
    Take care my friend, I'm off to see what you've been up to :)

  52. Hope your feeling better, that sounds awful! Your canvas is amazing!

  53. Oh Lisa, Im soooo sorry you are feeling SO miserable!!
    Your canvas is AMAZING my friend, wow I love the texture and all the gears, a real work of art!!

  54. OMG this is AMAZING!!!!!!!
    So sorry you aren't feeling well.... Hope you feel better soon :(

  55. As always I am behind but here now. I am so sorry you are itching and rashy from poison something! Shower with Technu as it will really help. We buy it at the drugstore. I LOVE this wonderful canvas you have created. How fun you were able to PLAY for yourself and use your supplies. Fabulous results dear...

  56. Truly stunning canvas!! So hope your rash has improved by now....If not already suggested are you taking antihistamines? Anyway, I've been having a look see around you blog and I love your stuff!! Nicola x - your newest follower

  57. WOW! this is such an amazing canvas creation my friend, I so admire the detail to every project you create.:) TFS

  58. Just beautiful! I love the color and what a beautiful wonderful masculine feel. I love the butterfly and the sewing bobbin. Sorry for your Poison rash- yuck!

  59. Gosh...this looks amazing! Love the use of those gears! Fabulous texture!

    P/s: Hope the rash is all gone now. You poor thing....big hugs!

  60. Wowzers!!! This is much detail and so many things to look must be very proud of this amazing piece of art!! And how fun to create something for other then DT commitments...someday I hope to do that, too..real soon!
    I do get poison ivy...and I use rubbing alcohol on every time..dries it up fast, stings if opened, but I use it anyhow..have a great week my friend!

  61. WOW! WOW! WOW! Did I say WOW!!
    Let's just go straight into the butterflies..Oh Gosh! BEAUTIFUL!! AMAZING use of the gears & dies! This is so Unique & Creative!! A true STUNNER my friend!!
    GORGEOUS details!! I absolutely LOVE this!!
    I hope that you are feeling better. Ice Cream always works for me..LOL
    Have a wonderful day my fabulous friend,
    Crafting With Creative M

  62. Wow, this is awesome. I love the steam punk gears and all the work you did to make them look so amazing.

  63. This is by far, my absolute favorite! It appealed to my Steampunk heart. Thanks for joining us at My Sheri Crafts for our biweekly challenge!

  64. Oh my goodness! This is amazing!! I love that you did a mixed media project! Fabulous work my friend and what a wonderful way to add to anyone's home decor! The gears, the butterfly... what's no to love about this!! Have a great day!! :)

  65. OMG - hang whilst I pick myself off the floor!! This is stunning, gorgeous, amazing WOW!!!

  66. OMG this is absolutely stunning! I am a fan of your work! Thanks for linking up with us at My Sheri Crafts Challenge!♥

  67. So stunning, I love the metallic tones and the those cogs and gears add some gorgeous texture to the piece! The focal point is so beautiful too! Thanks for joining us at Anything But Cute xx

  68. The detail in this is just amazing, Lisa. I love the textures and all of the gears. Steampunk is not my favorite style by any means...I know...gasp...right? BUT...your piece is the exception. How awesome that you added those butterflies to this masculine piece and could still pull that off. Great work...and I'm so sorry about your "poison" my hubby is allergic and suffers terribly when he comes in contact. It's awful and I hope by now it's on the mend. Big healing hugs sent your way! xx

  69. That is so cool. I love that, I would totally hang that on my wall.

  70. Hi Lisa, just wanted to pop in and say Congratulations on being chosen as a DT Favourite at Anything But Cute! Your project is so gorgeous!! Don't forget to come and grab your badge. hugs :)


Thank you so much for stopping by and for your comments...I truly appreciate them :)