Saturday, March 31, 2012

Dreams Do Come True and Blog Award Thanks!!

Happy Saturday and last day of March, everyone!! I had this post all ready to go yesterday and when I opened the draft this morning, it was completely empty!! The title was fine but no post whatsoever...grrr, how frustrating. I don't have any idea what happened...if it is linked to the new Blogger upgrade, which I'm not fond of yet. I was going to schedule all of my posts for next week when I'm gone, but now I'm afraid to...I don't want to do all that work only to have them disappear again :( Has this happened to anyone else??

I  have a card to enter into Diana's 3 x 3 Thankful Thursday challenge. (Okay, my card possibly measures 3.25 x 3.25 with the scalloped edges...I hope it still counts!!). I want to sincerely thank Beate for instructions on how to make a shaped card using Spellbinders!! I love this much easier than what I was doing!! I used my favorite Pink Paislee paper from the Butterfly Collection. The base is the largest Spellbinders Lacy Square. I cut a Classic Square and sewed it to the Lacy Square.

Using the colors from Diana's card as inspiration, I used Shabby Shutters Distress Ink to bring out the green in the paper, Tumbled Glass to bring out the blue and Wild Honey for the yellow. The shape in the middle is from Spellbinders Parisian Accents and I cut a Standard Circle in the same size to stamp "Dreams do come true" from K Andrew Designs newest stamp set, Of Mice & Lil Men. I know I say this about all of her stamps but this one is my favorite!! Click HERE to purchase your own set :) I popped it up with foam tape for dimension, and the butterfly as well. Both the butterfly on the front and...

the one on the inside are the smallest of Spellbinders Nested Butterflies.


I am always so honored when one of my friends thinks of me for a blog award!! It means so much to me :) I hope you will visit each of their blogs...not only are they fabulous friends, but each and every one is incredibly talented and so creative!! You will not be disappointed!!

Versatile Blogger

 Thank you so much to (in the order it was received):

Kenzie of Krafty Hugzz 
Georgiana of Carson's Creations
Diana of DL.ART

Green Blend Award

Thank you so much to Colin of Crimson Cricut

Kreativ Blogger Award

Thank you so much to Shirl of Creations by Shirl

The Butterfly Award 

Thank you so much to Karen of Kaleidoscopic Sparkles

All of these awards have instructions to post things about yourself. I had it all typed up, as well as who I was giving these to and it is all gone. It really makes me want to cry. I don't have time to compile the lists again before I go, so I will do that when I get back. I am giving all four awards to the the wonderful friends above, so I will go ahead and do that and then include the others when I return:
Colin of Crimson Cricut
Diana of DL.ART
Georgiana of Carson's Creations 
Kenzie of Krafty Hugzz 

Thanks so much for stopping by!! I apologize again for not being able to visit you for a while but I will when I get back :)


  1. Thank you for the mention Lisa! Blogger belayed my post by 3 hours this morning. I know how involved writing a post of this nature can be. Had it been me that lost my post I would have been crying!

    Have a great trip! Bon voyage!


  2. Absolutely Beautiful!

  3. Oh Lisa, this is just so gorgeous. Your talent is amazing.

  4. Can't help you on the Blogger issue... but I've thought the upgrade "isn't"... I've gone back the the old version.
    Love your card, Lisa.... fantastic color scheme... your technique with the Distress Inks is amazing... so vivid. Love the use of the Spellbinder's die, too! Perfect!!!
    Have a great weekend, friend!

  5. Wow, Lisa, this is a gorgeous card.....stunning!!! Haven't had any blogger issues..yet...but think I am still on the old one...I never know if I am coming or going...LOL!!

  6. always amaze me with your work, Lisa! Love your gorgeous card!

  7. Love this card. The colors, image and all. Thanks for stopping in at my blog from the Carson's Creations Blog Hop. I am a new follower!

  8. Oooh, this is exquisite, my sweet friend! The colors are amazing, especially with the lovely inking. (Tumbled Glass is on my wish list, particularly for skies!) The papers are so pretty and I always love any and all Spellbinders usage. The Parisian Accent is stunning and yet another Must Have. Marvelous card in every way, my inspiring friend. :o)

    Congratulations on your well-deserved awards! You are special to so many, including me! Thank you for thinking of me and passing them along... I am truly honored. :o) Regarding your Blogger issues, I cannot help. I'm still on the old version, as I don't upgrade until they make me in hopes any bugs will get worked out early. :( I am so sorry for this frustration. Not the nicest send-off, now is it? I'd fix it for you if I could! Hug the ocean for me, okay? Teehee! :o)

    Hugs and blessings!

  9. Hi Lisa- love your card above it is absolutely pretty as always... you inspire me so much love stopping by to see all your pretty work that you do on your projects..
    Sorry to hear that you've got some blogger issues haven't come my way yet and I sure don't want them...
    Thanks so much for the award I really appreciate it very much and congrats to the awards that you received you are well deserved for all of them....
    Sound like you are going on some vacay, relax and have fun...
    Talk to you when you get back...
    many hugs~

  10. Oh Lisa, This is just beautiful. I love the sewing you did on the card. and the colors are so yummy. The perfevt sentiment too.

  11. First of all I want to Thank you for enterin my DL,ART Thankful Thursday challenge. Your card is breathtaking and very creative I always love your work. Secondly your awards are all very deserving. Thirdly, Thank you so much for thinking of me and sharing these awards with me I humbly accept. There are 2 there I have never gotten and then last but not least I have a great trip, my friend.
    Hugs, DIANA L.

  12. this is so very very pretty Lisa... yes i have have trouble trying to schedule posts also... :-( hope you get it figured out, i didn't have time to even try...

  13. What a beautiful card Lisa! Just gorgeous colors and pretty details! Congrats on your so deserved awards and thank you so much for thinking of me-I appreciate it and am so honored!
    Have a wonderful trip-you will be missed!! Safe travels my friend!
    *sorry to hear about your blogger issues-have not upgraded yet...not until I have to, lol!
    Sherrie K

  14. This is simply gorgeous! The color combo is amazing and the details are just perfect! Also, congrats on all those awards...well deserved!

  15. Love your card Lisa.You make such pretty cards with the spellbinder dies.Love the butterfly and soft coloursand especially the sentiment frame.
    Sorry to hear your blogger issues,I am the world's slowest typist and would have been devastated to lose my post too.
    I am off on holiday for a few days and have a post scheduled..not very hopeful anymore!!
    Have a wonderful vacation.
    Jayne x

  16. I have always wondered how people do that. I guess I need to check out that tutorial myself. Very nice card Lisa. I love the bright spring colors and the flourish. Thanks so much for sharing!

  17. OMG...that's soooo gorgeous! LOVE the card shape, the paper, the sentiment shape and those darling butterflies.
    Hugs and smiles

  18. Beautiful card. I love the shape and the bling.

  19. Absolutely beautiful card you did a very nice job tfs!!!

  20. Your card is absolutely gorgeous!

  21. This is breathtaking, Lisa! Wow! Every aspect of your card is just perfect and all the elements work so wonderfully well together.
    I'm so sorry about your blog episode. That's no fun at all! I've not had that happen before so don't know what it could be.
    Hope you have a great trip!

  22. Lisa this is such a beautiful card especially for the Spring Season. Congrats on your much deserved awards and accomplishments. You're such a creative and amazing crafter.
    I upgraded Blogger on Sat and aaaahhhh! Don't like the way it comes up and have yet to go any further...may revert back.
    Have a safe and fun trip!
    Dee B

  23. This is beautiful!! I love cards that are decorated inside, too! I just never seem to think to do it myself! LOL

  24. This is just beautiful! I love the cut and the pretty stitching and bling! Have a wonderful trip :)Amy

  25. Hi Lisa the same thing happened to by post yesterday I thought I had lost my mind until I started reading it happened to other people. Love this card so delicate so pretty.

  26. GORGEOUS job with this card too Lisa!I LOVE the sentiment, stitching and bling!just BEAUTIFUL!:)

  27. Lisa this is a beautiful card. I love the sweet feeling it gives me.
    I'm sorry about your blog issues, as you know I am not able to help you, I'm a dumb dumb with this stuff. I depend on sweet people like you to get me out of trouble.

    Have a great trip Sweetie,

    Hugs, Pam

  28. Lisa this is absolutely GORGEOUS!!!

  29. Congrats, Lisa! You deserve it. Wonderful card.

  30. Oh Sweet Lisa, I just adore this card! So SO So pretty with all the jewels and stitching. The butterflies are gorgeous as is the paper!
    Fabulous as always my friend...Hope you are basking in the sun and enjoying the sounds of the ocean!
    Congrats on the awards, so deserved!

  31. I'm so sorry about your posting difficulties. GRRR... I know it's frustrating. I love this card (I know I've said this about others). I think this may be one of my favorites you have made... or maybe that was the other one - lol. Needless to say, I love what you do. Thanks for sharing your creativity with us.


  32. Lisa this is gorgoeus!! I love the edges and the butterflies!!

  33. I hate it when blogger does not post right :( I love this card though. The butterfly is gorgous!



Thank you so much for stopping by and for your comments...I truly appreciate them :)