Monday, March 13, 2017

Six Year Blogaversary Giveaway!!

Wow, today is my 6 Year Blogaversary!! I have no idea where the years have gone...and they've gone by so fast!! It's been such an incredible journey and I'm so happy that you all are on it with me :)  I am so very thankful for each and every one of you and I want to show my appreciation for your encouragement, sweet comments, and continued support.

I've pulled together a few of my favorite things to share with one of you:
  1. Jewel and Crown Bundle of Crinkle Ribbon from DL.ART
  2. Pretty Fiori Flowers from Wild Orchid Crafts
  3. White Guipure Lace from Wild Orchid Crafts
  4. 6x6 Stack of the New Redesigned House of Roses Paper from Lemoncraft
  5. House of Roses Ephemera Cards from Lemoncraft
  6. House of Roses Buttons/Badges from Lemoncraft
  7. Everyday Spring Chipboard Set from Lemoncraft
  8. Die-Versions Pretty Butterflies
  9. Tim Holtz Visual Artistry Stamp Set
  10. The Paper Studio Embossing Folder
I'm not going to make you jump through a bunch of hoops to be eligible to win and I will ship anywhere in the world. All you have to do is:
  1. Be a follower of my blog
  2. Post the giveaway picture on your sidebar (if you have a blog). I'd appreciate it if you shared it on social media, but that's not a requirement.
  3. Enter your name in the linky below.
That's it!! The giveaway will run for a month (ending 4/12/17) and I'll use to choose a winner soon after.

Thank you so much for taking this incredible journey with me and thanks again for your amazing support over the past six years!! Big hugs :)

Enter Your Name Here:


  1. Congratulations on 6 years of wonderful crafty inspiration! I love all of your creations! They are always so awesome! I wish we lived closer so that we could craft together! Happy Blogaversary!!

  2. woo hoo congrats on six years. I have enjoyed your blog for many of those years!

  3. Congratulations on 6 fabulous years my friend - thank you for sharing your beautiful work with us. Happy Blogaversary!!!

  4. Congratulations on six years!! Thank you for the giveaway!! Shared on social media.

  5. Congratulations on your 6th Blogaversary! Thanks for the chance to win this super giveaway. I can't add a picture of your giveaway on my blog sidebar using my iPad, so I'll do it tomorrow, when I can get on my computer. xx

  6. Congratulations on your blogaversary! And thanks for the reminder of the sidebar picture, which I forgot to include with my 5yr. Doesn't the time fly and don't you meet so many wonderful folks. Thanks for the chance to win some of these lovely goodies, but as you can see by my organizational attempt, I don't need more 'schtuff'. Love the opportunity of your generosity however. Big hugs & thanks for such an inspiring blog. Your cards always require looking, then looking back to pick up something I missed on 1st view!

  7. PS..forgot to say I'll put the pic on my sidebar though, maybe will send some visitors who need some more supplies :-)

  8. Lisa, wow! that's quite an accomplishment--6 yrs! I think it's fun to go back and see what we made that many years ago, and see how far we've come. One of these days, I'm going to take a trip down your memory lane and see what you were making then. Thank you for this very generous giveaway! I'll need to come back after dinner, which probably means tomorrow to link up and put that in my sidebar. Right now, I want to take what's left of my "free" time to catch up with your amazing projects/posts I've missed. thank you for your tip on needle threading on my blog and always for your lovely comments! Sadly, I couldn't see to get the needle threader through the hole either; my machine has to be threaded front to back, which means the threader needs to come from the back. I'll try it sometime in the morning. My vision gets pretty bad at night. Sending lots of hugs your way, unless of course you want my readers and needle threader! Ha! Ha!

  9. Oh my are so very generous! Love these things! Congratulations on 6 years!! Thanks so much for the chance to win!! I put you on my blog and a post on FB too. Hugs, Robin

  10. That's an awfully big achievement Lisa, congratulations on reaching six years. Also thank you so much for the chance to win the lovely goodies, I have put it on my side bar and entered. However if it's going to cost a lot to post internationally then I'll understand if you want to omit me huni, those postage costs are killers! Off to see what you've been creating next and I think Sara Emily's idea is a great one lol! xx

  11. Congratulations, I am one of your more silent followers! LOL

  12. Happy Blogaversay Lisa!!! Your work has been such a great inspiration to me. I wish you many, many more years to come my dear friend.
    Paper Talk with Samra

  13. Congrats on your blogging milestone! You know I LOVE your creations!:)

  14. Congratulations Lisa on your wonderful journey of 6 years, Wishing you many more to come!
    Thanks for the chance to win these yummy crafty goodies! Love all your beautiful creations!

  15. Congrats on your blogaversary! I am a huge fan of your creations and wish you many more years of craftiness! Even though I am not entering your giveaway, I adore those butterfly dies, so pretty! Awesome giveaway for one of your lucky followers!

  16. A huge huge Congrats Lisa...such a treasure you are giving away. I have my cousin in California so in case I am lucky to win you can ship to the USA address! Fingers crossed!
    Thank you so much for a chance to win such awesome goodies.Have posted about your giveaway on my blog sidebar to send you some more traffic
    Dr Sonia
    Cards Crafts School Projects

  17. Congrats on 6 years! What an awesome prize package you are giving! Thanks for the chance!

  18. Happy Blogaversary Lisa, congrats on reaching 6 years!!
    Thanks for the chance to win some lovely goodies, I have linked a pic in my sidebar.

  19. Happy Blogaversary!!! And super excited that it's been 6 years and wishing you many, many more!!!

  20. Wow! Six years congrats. Hope you will bless us with many more years of your amazing projects and what an awesome giveawy. Big hugs

  21. Wow, congratulations on your six year blogaversary! I've admired your gorgeous projects for years now and have been following on Bloglovin'. I don't have a blog but I'm sharing your giveaway on FB and always look forward to your inspiration.

  22. Congratulations on 6 years Blogaversary! I love, love yours project! You're doing a beautiful card, very elegant and feminine.
    Happy Blogaversary!!
    Hugs Ola :)

  23. Congratulations on your blogaversary!
    Thanks for the chance to win your amazing giveaway! I shared picture on my sidebar.
    Hugs, Valerija xx

  24. Wow Lisa, six years of blogging!! This is a fabulous goal!! BIG Congrats! We all always enjoy seeing your amazing projects full of inspirations! Thanks very much for the chance to win your gorgous candy, so generous! Love all these items, so fingers crossed ;) Hugs

  25. Congratulations Lisa. You have a nice blog and you make wonderful cards :), Hugs Zuzana

  26. Wooooow, big congrats, my friend, on your 6th blogaversary! Oh, what a super generous and awesome giveaway! I admire your super creativity and your spectacular projects! I wish you many more years of crafting, my dear! Happy Blogaversary! Sending all my hugs to you! Branka xx

  27. Congratulations to six years! You are an inspiration, I love your creations! I shared your blogaversary candy on Pinterest and will share on Facebook next. :)
    Hugs, Sherry x

  28. Wow.....6 years!! Fabulous. I follow you on Google Friend Connect. I ALWAYS am in awe of your GORGEOUS creations. Congratulations on this milestone and many wishes for more wonderful years ahead.
    <3 J

    jwoolbright at gmail dot com

  29. Dear Lisa, congratulations to six years wonderful Blogaversery. I hope you give us for a long time more inspirations to craft I put a link on my sidebar. Thank you so much for the chance to win.
    Have a nice day and many hugs Petra

  30. YaY !!! Happy Blogaversary :-) Yes - doesn't time fly past so fast ? I wish you many more super Blogging years.
    Thanks for the chance to win and I have posted the pikky :-D xxxxxx

  31. Congrats, yes it does seem the years fly by (and the older you get, you really notice it..ugh)...I am trying to think how long I have been coming here, I know it has been a long, long time...and thank you for making an almost daily visit to my blog to leave me such nice comments, I really, really appreciate it! I don't normally sign up for giveaways, but when I saw the words Lemoncraft, Wild Orchid Crafts, DL.Art and more, well I started!! How FUN!! Have a great day, and where in the heck is our Spring, do you have!!

  32. wowzer Lisa six years of wonderful creations you made, I really enjoyed and still do love your work full of inspiring cards and ideas. Have posted on my side bar and thanks for the chance..x ♥[aNNie]

  33. six ans! bravo!! et une jolie surprise!

  34. Congratulations on 6 years of beautiful card blogging! I love all that you do! Thank you for all of your kind sweet comments on my blog. What beautiful Spring cards could be created with these wonderful items! I added your giveaway photo to my sidebar and shared on my Facebook page.
    Wishing you many more years of creativity my friend!

  35. Wow what an accomplishment! Lisa, you have been a wonderful and beautiful friend to me...the past few years of having you in my life has been amazing and such a blessing. I truly think the world of you. You are extremely talented, very generous and you have such a loving, warm heart and that my friend, is why I love you so much! Congratulations on hitting 6 wonderful years of blogging!!! I have added your photo to my blog and I have sent out a post. I truly want to wish you many, many more years of amazing blogging fun. You continue to inspire me and I couldn't imagine not seeing your beautiful work. Congrats again my friend. You truly deserve the limelight today! Happy Bloggy Birthday!!!

    1. I got so carried away that I totally forgot to say, that you are giving away an amazing giveaway my friend!!!! Truly gorgeous papers from Lemoncraft and those butterfly dies are beautiful! Someone will be very lucky to receive these goodies!!!!

  36. aw thank you so much for offering such a generous candy, Lisa! I am sure Elly loves to play with the things too :)
    I will put the pic in the sidebar of my blog and let the world knew you are sharing some goodies.
    xxx, Ally and Elly

  37. Congratulations on six years of posting such lovely cards and inspiring us. I love the pictures you share of the wildlife around your home too. I had to resign as a follower. I must have been kicked off when blogger hitched a while back. I have posted the candy on my blog and hope some new bloggers will visit. I have plenty of stuff but no flowers or ribbon like you use. I just posted about using up the "stuff" I have but can always use new!

  38. Oooooh! Six years of beauty, Lisa, and inspiration from your artwork and magical gardens! Thanks for the tutorials and explanations with each post, and for the generous offer of your candy! Off to put your photo on my side bar - Congratulations, my sweet mermaid friend! xo

  39. Wow lots of fun and goodies that I would love having....Thanks for a chance in winning them. Crossing fingers since I've never won anything yet from you, LOL!

  40. Congratulations Lisa.
    Thanks for the chance to win this gorgeous candy.

  41. Wow! Six years, that's amazing to think of all the wonderful cards and pieces of artwork that you've posted in that time. Thank you for making the world a prettier place and for giving us all the chance to win such fabulous blog candy. Crafty hugs, Sandra x

  42. Lisa !!!! I am soo happy for you ! Happy Happy blogaversary !!!!!! Six years ! Wow !! Six years of amazing and beautiful designs my friend !!

  43. Congrats on six years of amazing projects. Getting to know crafters through blogging is so much fun. I can't wait to see your upcoming creations. Thanks for the chance to win outstanding blog candy

  44. Oh wow Lisa! What an amazing milestone and awesome prize package. I put your image on my sidebar and shared on FB. Big hugs and congrats again!

  45. Hi Dear Lisa...congrats on your 6th Blog anniversary....KI am sure you must be very proud and also excited. I have always admired your works and it motivates me to make my projects as perfect as urs are and I push as hard as I can.... Ty for sharing ur work with us.....congrats once again...Big hugs....
    V R Enchanted -colour, craft and more...

  46. HUGE congratulation on your 6 years Lisa! I have not known you that long but it has been long enough to say that blogland is all the richer for your presence in it! Here's to another 6 years!! Hugs, Anne xx

  47. Hi Lisa,
    Congrats on your 6th year blogaversary!! WOOHOO!! Wow! 6 years? It truly is a wonderful feeling to visit your blog. Your creations have always been stunning.I love all of the pretty flowers, bows and cannot forget to add the butterflies!You know I am a butterfly girl!! LOL You have been such a wonderful, talented, and humble bloggy friend! I love you for that too!
    Thank you for the awesome prize that you are offering. I will gladly post it on my blog and will share it on FB as well.
    Have a wonderful day my friend,
    Crafting with Creative M

  48. Congratulations on 6 years of blogging! That's quite an accomplishment.

    Love your fantastic giveaway. Whoever gets this prize will be blessed, indeed.

    Have a wonderful day,

    Ginny B

  49. Congrats on your 6-year bloggerversary!

  50. WOW, 6 years,
    that's awesome!
    Shared on FB.
    Carla from Utah

  51. I enjoy seeing your entries at Jo's Scrap Shack and congratulate you on your sixth year of blogging. I've had a blog since September, so I know how committed you have been and admire your lovely work. Glad to be a follower and to share your image on my sidebar.

  52. This comment has been removed by the author.

  53. WOW... Congratulations on your 6 blogaversary, Lisa!!! I really love your wonderful blog full of inspiration and amazing works. A super giveaway... you are so generous!!!
    Hugs, Mar

  54. Wow....6 years is a huge milestone..Congrats Dear on 6 years of inspiring and getting inspired..And wishing you many more crafty years ahead..Your work is really a huge inspiration for us all..Gladly added the giveaway to my side bar...Keep Rocking and thanks for this awesome giveaway..

  55. How exciting to have reached 6 years of blogging! I am so grateful for crafters who share their talents and design with the rest of us and always love seeing your artsy style. I shared on FB since I don't have a blog yet.

  56. Congrats on your 6 year anniversary Lisa, I so enjoy visiting your blog and being inspired by you dear friend!

  57. Hi Lisa huge congrats on your six years of blogging, you've certainly accomplished a lot in those six years and built up a brilliant blog which I joined a wee while back.
    Have put your candy on my sidebar... as a Rose lover and grower I am totally in love with Rose papers, those yummy butterfly dies, embossing folder and other incredibly generous items on your candy!!!
    Thanks for offering to post it worldwide too, as not everyone does.
    Shaz in Oz.x

  58. Congrats to 6 years my friend! Wow, how can that be already?! Time flies~I am SO happy to have met you way back 6 yrs ago in blogland. Your creations are always so breathtaking and inspiring! I have to say you have enable me along the way, hehe with my die purchases for sure! I enjoy seeing posts when they reach my inbox and can't wait to see your amazing work...keep it up my friend!!
    Thanks for chance at such an incredible giveaway! You are so generous~Someone is going to be so happy to receive all these amazing goodies!!!
    Have a wonderful day and again congrats!
    Sherrie K

  59. Congratulations to your six years and to me for my new find in your Blog!!I love seeing everyone's blogs.I do not have one myself yet I learn so much from experienced crafters as yourself!! Thank you so much Sharron from FL

  60. Hi Lisa,
    Congrats on your 6th year blogaversary! I will gladly post your giveaway on my blog!
    Have a wonderful day my friend,

  61. Hi Lisa,
    congrats on your 6th Blogaversary.
    thank you for the wonderful chance to perhaps win this super candy.
    You are very generous.
    Lots of crafty love. Jenny L.

  62. congrats on your 6th Blogaversary!
    wish you many more!
    I love visit your blog because all creations are stunning!
    Thank yo for chnace!
    Can I have just those butterflies diea and pretty papers? LOL
    rest you can give another person :D LOL
    have a nice day
    lots of hugs!

  63. Congratulations!! How exciting! Best wishes on many more crafting years! 😊😊

  64. Thanks for oportunity tu win. I am happy to be part of your folowers in this 6 years. Your work i stunning.


  65. Wow! It is hard to believe that we have been bloggy friends for 6 years! I have always admired your work so much Lisa. You are a "swell gal" lol! Congrats!


  66. Congrats Lisa!! I am going to have to look and see how long I have been blogging, you have me curious now! Lovely candy you are offering, I am a follower and have placed the photo on my sidebar, and shared on FB!

  67. Happy 6 year blogaversary. I'm a follower and have posted in my sidebar.

  68. Congrats on your 6 year anniversary of your blog!! You have a wonderful creative gift- thanks so much for sharing it with us!!

  69. Congratulations on your 6 years of blogging! I don't remember how long I have been following you but I love that you continue inspiring me with your creations!

  70. Congratulations to you, Lisa on 6 years of sharing your beautiful works of art with all of us! We have swooned, admired, drooled, squealed with joy along the way ♥ Your 6 years is right in line with my birthday - and this year, it's the big 5-0! My kids think that is the funniest thing ever, LOL. Here's to 6 more, and thanks for the chance to win ♥

  71. Congratulations Lisa - wow!!! 6 Years and here's to many more :-)

  72. Happy Blogaversary Lisa, congrats on reaching 6 years!!
    Thanks for chance to win your candy

  73. Congrats on your 6 year of blogging! Wish you many more.
    Thank you for the chance to win your amazing goveaway.

  74. WOW! 6 years! Congrats and Happy Blogaversary my friend! I think it's sweet of you to have an amazing giveaway! I just enjoy coming here to see the amazing inspiration you give... Plus the friendship! :) Wishing you many, more amazing blogging years! HUGS!


  75. Just poppin' in to wish you a very good bloganniversary!
    You are as sweet and generous as you are talented my Friend!

  76. Congratulations on your milestone Lisa! 6 years of blogging is really a long time. I just stumbled upon your blog and I must say that your creations are fabulous! Thank you for this huge and gorgeous giveaway! Lots of love, Sidelle

  77. Congratulations on your six year blogaversary! You create beautiful cards.
    Have a nice day )

  78. Congratulations on your blogaversary and thank you for the chance to win this fabulous candy.

  79. My sweetest friend, I cannot believe it has been six years! Time flies when I have people like you to inspire me so richly. :) You are a gift to this entire community. Not only do your creations speak straight to my heart, but you support and encourage unlike any other! I am so grateful that our crafty journeys brought us together so many moons ago. Happy Blogaversary, my dearest friend! And thank you for the opportunity to win crafty treasures. :)

    Hugs and blessings,

  80. Congratulations on 6 years of wonderful crafty inspiration! Happy Blogaversary!!

  81. Congrats on your 6th blogaversary and Thanks for the chance to Win these awsome goodies!

  82. Huge Congratulations my friend on completing your wonderful journey of 6 years!! Sorry I am reading this post now. Wishing you many more crafty milestones and may you achieve all your dreams! So happy to met you in this blogland and have you as my friend, Thank you for all your love & support & I really appreciate you never miss any of the posts, though I miss to read all of your posts. And your comment on my blog encourages me with lots of happiness!! :) Thank you so much dear.
    Definitely I am going to share this blogaversary and giveaway on my blog side bar! And Thanks again for sharing these awesome craft goodies with us & for the chance to win :)

  83. Congrats on 6 years blogging. Only just found you and your work is stunning, how have I missed your blog! Thanks for rhe chance to win, will add to my sidebar when on laptop, can't do from iPad.

  84. Wowzers and then some dearie! 6 years and your blog is still going strong and you are creating breathtaking designs. How do you do it!?! Lol. Huge congrats and keep em comin! Even your blog design itself is nice and fresh and so lovely. Hot diggity! Hugz to you muffin!

  85. Happy Blogaversary Lisa, congrats on reaching 6 years!!

  86. A huge congrats on 6 years! WOW! Time flies when we're having fun! You've shared so much amazing inspiration over the past 6 years ... can't wait to see what you have in store for us the next 6! Happy Blogaversary Lisa!

  87. 6 FABULOUS years of beautiful creations! Congrats! Wishing you many more.

  88. Wow, congratulations on your six year blogaversary!
    I always admire your design and your incredible creations, they are stunning!
    Thank you for a chance to win these great goodies!
    Have a great day.
    hugs xx


Thank you so much for stopping by and for your comments...I truly appreciate them :)