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Friday, March 13, 2015

Throwback Thursday and 4h Blogaversary!!

Happy Friday!! Today is my 4th Blogaversary!! Wow, I can't believe it's been four years since I started blogging. Time sure flies when you are having fun :) Today totally crept up on me and I'm so not prepared. I usually have a giveaway to celebrate and I haven't had time to put anything together. I hope to in the next few weeks so stay tuned :)

Today I'm playing along with Bibiana's Artsy Crafty Throwback Thursday, where the rules are to share a past project. The theme for this challenge is Easter, but it's not mandatory. I chose this vintage Easter basket from last year to share. You can find all the details on this project HERE.

Thanks so much for stopping by!! I do hope to have my blogaversary giveaway up soon!! Have a wonderful weekend :)


A Casa di Ale said...


Tracey said...

Happy Blogaversary Lisa.......4 years of beautiful creations. Love the vintage easter basket, really beautiful!

Paula said...

very pretty basket Lisa; congratulations on the four years! And to think I just found your blog recently; I missed out on so much.

New Creations said...

Gorgeous basket with pretty papers! Congratulations on 4 years of blogging!!!


so pretty! congrats at wonderful 4 years :)

My Card Attic: Hazel said...

Stunning Lisa! A real treat! Congratulations on your 4th blogaversary!! Hazel xx

Lori Kobular said...

Congratulations Lisa on 4 years of blogging! Your Easter basket is gorgeous! Love the papers that you used on this awesome basket!

Robin said...

Happy Blogaversary Lisa! This basket is so fabulous!! What a wonderful decoration for anywhere in the house. Just gorgeous. Hugs, Robin

Debs cards said...

Absolutely stunning I love all the images that you have used.
And the design is wonderful.
Debs xxx
{Debs Cards– my personal blog}

jessica said...

Happy 4 year anniversary!!!!!! You AMAZE me with your talents! I again LOVE this easter basket!!! I remember when you posted this last year and you blew me away then too!
Have a GREAT Friday and weekend my friend!

Mary Ann said...

WOW!!!Beautiful basket!!!Awesome paper,Congrats on your 4 years of blogging,I am trying to get back,hope soon,have a Blessed weekend!!!!

Unknown said...

This is just amazing. Congrats my friend on 4 years. I just love and admire all of your projects. Besides the crafting, you are one of the sweetest crafty friends I know. I wish nothing but the best for you. Hugs!!!

McCrafty's Cards said...

Happy Blogaversary Lisa, here is to many more years of you showing us your fabulous creations, I love this easter gift
Kevin xx

Beebeebabs said...

Happy Blogaversary my friend. Your Easter Basket is absolutely beautiful - love love love everything - great job as always and have a great weekend!!!

Davi said...

Happy 4th blogaverary Lisa!! I love love your fabulous Easter Basket! Such sweet vintage images with the lacy handle and beautiful bow combine really make a splendid gift my friend ;)

Laurie said...

Happy 4th Blogaversary!!! Wow, I can't believe that either, mine has to be right there too, although I've been a bad blogger lately. lol So happy to follow you as create the cutest things!! Hope all is well with you my friend!!


christi said...

H A P P Y B L O G A V E R S E R Y!

SD pooja said...

4 Years ? A long time and still actively blogging ! Commendable and inspiring job Lisa ,Congrats !
Your easter basket is fab ,loved the cute mages n the vintage theme :)

Gwen said...

Happy blogaversary!! This may will be my 4 year also. Love the basket, it reminds me of my grandpa he always told Peter Rabbit stories to me.

Sherrie K. said...

Happy Blogaversary my friend!!! It's been an incredible 4 years girl! Your creations are beyond spectacular and so inspiring!!! Your Easter basket is gorgeous and I remember when you posted this~totally knocked our socks off!
I know what you mean about it creeping up on you..mine has cone and done to and didn't have a chance to celebrate! That was right when Lacy was born so between helping watch Arya time got away on me :( I guess that is how it goes sometimes, ha?!
Have a great day and enjoy the weekend! We are looking at possibly hitting the 60's! Oh my gosh, break out the flip flops and carpi's, lol!
Sherrie K

Rhonda Miller said...

I love your basket.

katieo said...

Thak you for four uears of inspiring and beautifully creative projects. Vintage easter projects are gorgeous and timeless.

CathyinMN said...

Happy 4th blogaversary! That sure is a pretty Easter basket you made!

Sukie said...

Happy Blogaversary! Congrats on 4 years of amazing creations an so much inspiration with your fabulous creations! Every time I pop over here, I am blown away at your creativity and uniqueness! Love your basket, the vintage look is just perfect! It looks fabulous with the grass and gorgeous bow! Have a wonderful weekend my friend!

Cely said...

love the vintage look my friend!

and happy blogaversary!!!

Linda Breedlove said...

I must have missed this last year or simply can't remember (old age... had a birthday yesterday. LOL) Such a beautiful project, Lisa!!! Have a wonderful weekend!

Jo Williams Independent Stampin' Up Demonstrator said...

Happy 4th blogaversary!!!! So happy for you that you have made it to year #4 and going strong! Such a great accomplishment my friend! Your vintage Easter basket is gorgeous!!!! Have a great weekend!

Alice (scrAPpamondo) said...

Wow! I haven't seen this, such a beautiful creation! You always have many stunning ideas and make fabulous projects with your adorable design!!!
Congrats for your 4 years on internet and Happy Blogaversary!

Jean Bullock said...

Happy Blogaversary. I love this basket. Very cool.

Chriss America Real said...

Happy Blog-a-versary! I certainly have enjoyed all of your beautiful creations over the years. I still say that I want to be like you when I grow up! Thank you for setting the bar so high that I forever strive to reach it.

Hugs, & Kisses,
Louie's Mom

Mona Pendleton said...

Happy Blog a versary! MANY more to come! :) Beautiful project Lisa! I love all the vintage bunny images! Looks like spring has sprung!

lisa808 said...

Happy 4th Bloggerversary!!! Beautiful Easter basket. Gorgeous papers and handle.

UTs Hobby Time said...

Congrats on your 4th blogaversary. Easter basket looks fabulous.

Anne Temple said...

Love your vintage Easter basket! Congrats on your blogaversary!

aussie aNNie said...

Love this gorgeous creation Lisa and beautiful colours used...enjoy your weekend..
{The Journey is the Start – my personal blog}

Jenny L said...

just popped over from Bibiana's challenge to say what a superb creation.
Love the wonderful design of this, and it's so cute with all the lovely Easter images on it.
Lots of crafty love. Jenny L.

Donna Ellis said...

Oh my goodness! How sweet your Easter Project is, Lisa! Well, Miss Mermaid, you always have something so special on your blog, and the use of these papers with all the darling "Eastery" shapes is just amazing! Thank you for the inspiration yet again! hugs, de

scraphappenswithrhonda said...

I love this easter basket it is so beautiful and what a great adult basket treat. hugs

Mayras Designs said...

Congratulations !!!!!! Happy 4th anniversary !!!! Your Easter basker is beautiful Lisa ! Gorgeous colors and paper !!! Stunning my friend !!!! Hope you have a wonderful weekend !!!

wannabcre8tive said...

Your basket is as cute as can be. I love the bunny paper you chose for it.

KT Fit Kitty said...

Congratulations, Lisa! Wow, 4 years! And what a successful 4 years! I enjoy your blog and your creations very much! And you always leave such sweet comments on my blog - thank you!

Your Easter basket is amazing! I love those bunnies! Have a wonderful weekend, my friend!

Karen said...

Happy 4th Blogaversary, Lisa! Iv'e really enjoyed seeing all of your wonderful projects through the years! :) What an awesome project this is!! I love the design on the handle of the basket and all of the images on the side are perfect! Have a great day!


Brenda in IN said...

Congratulations on your blogaversary. I love this basket. It is the cutest one ever and I love the papers.Even the handle is terrific.

Karon said...

Happy Blogaversary - wow 4 years! I am 3 years in May and I always forget LOL!. I love this Easter basket - it is gorgeous! TFS

DIANA L. said...

Happy blog a versa my friend. I wish you many more. I remember this basket I love it, it is so adorable.. Hugs Diana, I hope you are having a great weekend we are at 82 hot for us.

Pam said...

Happy Blogaversary! Oooooo, this basket is gorgeous! I love the beautiful vintage images.

Diane said...

Happy Blogaversary!!! Can you believe mine was 8 years on Feb 29th, yep who but me would of started on Leap year day...lol!! Beautiful basket...yes I do love to do Throwback Thursdays with Bibianna...so fun to bring some of the forgotten beautiful things back...!!! Have a great day my friend!!

Bea said...

Congratulations on your blogaversary Lisa. I love your easter project. happy crafting :)

Donna K said...

Congratulations on 4 years of blogging, Lisa! We are the ones benefitting from your dedication. Your beautiful work brightens the day of many people and I always enjoy seeing what you've done next. I remember this basket from last year. I love it just as much now!! Have a wonderful day today! xxDonna K

VanessaB said...

happy blogaversary! so happy you do! this easter goodie is beautiful! so vintage and amazing! :)

Becca Cruger said...

Happy Blog-o-versary! What a great thing to celebrate! I am so in love with your adorable little easter basket! Hands down that paper grass is the way to go, rather than the plastic stuff that gets everywhere.

Leslee said...

That looks like an awesome project you created for Easter. Very adorable.

Tanya~Studio 5380 said...

Four years and still, you never cease to inspire and amaze me with your beautiful work. Happy Blogaversary to you my sweet, talented friend!
I remember this gorgeous Easter Basket - everything about it is just perfect. The papers are amazing and your embellishments just bring it to life. I hope you have a wonderful Sunday afternoon!

Migdalia said...

Happy Blogaversary! Congrats on 4 years of your FABULOUS Creations!! I do remember this BEAUTY!!
So Beautiful and Stunning!!!
You are an inspiration to all! Your creativity is Absolutely AMAZING! You make the most gorgeous bows and love all of the beautiful butterflies!
Thank you for being a wonderful, loving, humble, sincere and so easy to talk too.
You do know I think that you are AWESOME and lets not forget FABULOUS!!
Sending you tons of love & blessings,
Crafting With Creative M

Nana said...

Happy Blogaversary! So loving this stunning basket. Love the vintage images and that big bow is really beautiful.
Have a creative day.
Hugs Nana
♥ My Crafting Channel ♥
♥ Nana's Rag Quilts ♥
♥ 2 Creative Chicks ♥
♥ Silhouette Challenges ♥

Tracy said...

Oh my goodness this is adorable.
I love functional paper crafts :)
I am on my 6th year of blogger and YouTube and shame on me, I didn't do a give away this year.

MaryH said...

Congrats on such a huge milestone! (you know my 3rd blogaversary skipped by me, and I didn't think of it, until I read about yours!) Love this delicious Easter basket with all the yummy vintage bunny motifs. So festive - On the Viva pearl paste, it was in Hobby Lobby. Is a nice texture to work with - just thick enough to spread easily. Dries to a very pretty pearl glimmer - looked nice even before the chalk too. TFS & Hope your Sunday was lovely. Hugs

Cathy said...

Love your throw back Thursday post.. Happy Blogiversary!! it will be 4 years for me in April..been a fun ride:) have a great day

Indy's Designs said...

Happy 4th blogaversary! I've loved seeing all your amazing projects over the last years! You are an amazing crafter with your combination of colors and ability to add the perfect embellishments! Again congrats!

Tina H said...

Happy Blogaversary!!! I'm so happy I found you and your blog! I remember this basket and it is just beautiful! Thank you for sharing your amazing and gorgeous crafts and being such an inspiration to me :) Hugs!!

Scrapper69 said...

Happy, Happy Blogger Birthday LISA!!! Your project is GORGOEUS!!! I just LOVE it! So much detail and beautiful paper! :)


Gerda said...

Happy Blogaversary!! Congrats Lisa!!!! I love this basket!!! Have a wonderful day.

Createology said...

Happy 4th Blogiversary Dear. Love this Easter basket.

Donna said...

Happy Blogaversay! This basket is amazing!

Shelly Schmidt said...

Love this beautiful basket- so awesome- and the images are so wonderful! Congrats on 4 years of Blogging!

Dr Sonia S V said...

Congrats on your blogversary Lisa...and what a gorgeous basket you have shared
Dr Sonia
Cards Crafts Kids Projects

Norma said...

WOW! love the vintage look on this sweet lovely basket my friend. Love the ribbon too!

yyam said...

Happy blogoversary! I loved your Easter basket then...it still looks fabulous now!

Kimberly Kett said...

So pretty! LOVE the bunnies!!

Stamping With Bibiana said...

hello Lisa: I was certain that I had left a comment here...it happened with another blog too! I am wondering if it my computer acting? Ok here we go again, thanks for your participation at my TBT challenge and I love that basket so eatery. big hugs bibiana

MiamiKel said...

Happy 4th blogaversary Lisa! What a gorgeous creation this is! You truly do the most stunning work ❤️ Here's to 4 more years! Blessings!

Dorlene Durham said...

Happy Blogaversary Lisa! I love this basket. It's so beautiful and vintage. Even in the throwback, your work is beautiful!

Carole Z said...

HI Lisa, I saw your basket in the thumbnails over at Bibiana's TBT and had to come an have a look..it's beautiful! Happy Blogaversary!

Fikreta said...

beautiful basket


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